Yes.. Believe IT! This is BabyGirl RUNNING..
I Told you she is a miracle!

Having a baby was the best thing that could have ever happened for BabyGirl! Had I not lived it and seen it with my very own eyes, I may have been skeptical but the changes I have seen in this girl are phenomenal!
(Unfortunately I have very few pictures of her baby, Sabrina as she was growing up because I broke my camcorder.. But I did try to make sure I had a few with snapshots.)
My BabyGirl is a wonderful mama and she absolutely Loves her baby. Sabrina just thinks her mama hung the moon especially for her.. and you know what?.. I think she did!

Sabrina nursed her mama just fine.. BabyGirl figured out that if she braced herself up against a wall or fence when the "bumpbump" part happened it would not knock her down..pretty smart, I think.

Our routine has changed a little, now I lift BabyGirl AND Sabrina into the bed at night.. they tuck up together and I get a corner of the pillow *S* I don't mind a bit. By morning, BabyGirl it's time for Sabrina to eat again so BabyGirl wakes me up to help her off the bed, I then get the baby and hold her long enough for BabyGirl to go to the door and go out to tinkle.. back in the house and I let Sabrina down for her mama to nurse her.. bumpbumpbump.. It is absolutely too cute! Then it's outside to play.. They are inseperable!

I let them out in the pasture for a bit while no one else is out there.. Just because I don't think BabyGirl needs to have to worry that something is going to hurt her baby, besides having to be careful for herself.. It works out great.. by the time they have played and eaten.. I bring them back on the other side of the gate and they have the whole front yard to play in.. then I let the girls out.
It makes for a long day at times.. but it's well worth the effort.. besides afterwards.. the girls come in the house and we sit together to watch some TV..

Well, I watch TV.. and they sleep on my lap. What better way to spend an evening?.. Besides, BabyGirl is pretty pooped after a day of being a mommy so she brings Sabrina to me for babysitting and she gets to relax with mom too. She certainly deserves the needed rest!

If they aren't sleeping on my lap they relax together nearby. Usually laying right at my feet or directly across from me. Sure makes life sweet to see BabyGirl being a mommy and knowing she came so far from where she was just a year ago.

This is her beautiful Sabrina at 3 months old.. isn't she just absolutely gorgeous? Take a look at her family She couldn't have asked for a sweeter, more beautiful baby. Sabrina has her mama's big donkey ears too.. they are so expressive!

We moved in July (a very long story) but we did move to a place near St. Louis with a friend. The move was horrible on the goats, we lost so many in the months to come.. But BabyGirl and Sabrina are doing very well, if I concentrate on them it brings back all of like's happiness for me. I also lost BabyGirl's daddy this year~ my beloved Georgie. I see him in her many ways as I watch her interact with Sabrina..

Surprisingly enough.. it has been just this last few months that BabyGirl has really began to show her stuff.. and I DO MEAN show her stuff! She has romped, jumped, played, run, spun circles.. she gets on the bed by herself now and off by herself.. she has absolutely shocked me to the limits and just when I think she won't shock me again.. she does something else I never thought she would ever be able to do. I am truly amazed at this little ball of fire!

So are the rest of the goats as they all watch her intently while she plays. She loves to play with her mama...

She will even bonk heads with mama, you know her mama is So very easy with her too! But she lets BabyGirl think they are really bonking heads.

After a good play, BabyGirl needs to tell her mama that she loves her.. They are something else to watch!

After her play sessions, she always looks to see if I am somewhere watching her.. as if to ask..."How'd I do mom?" I always tell her how proud I am of her.. "You are doing SO good BabyGirl! I'm SO PROUD of you!" and she knows what I am saying..

Isn't this about the most normal looking little goatie now?.. she has come so far it brings tears to my eyes! She hardly tilts much most of the time.. you can see it when she over-does it.. or if it has been particularly hot or cold outside. But I would have NEVER in a million years thought she would make this kind of progress!

Then she will lay down for a bit to rest.. looking so very cute! She is something~ that girl! She has to split her time between her mama and her baby though, because for some reason Shani does not like Sabrina.. and I don't know why.. but that's the way it is.

She is very attentive to her baby, now a year old and as big as her mama, (she grew very fast.. was nearly her mama's size at 4 months old).And Sabrina adores her mama's every move. Funny though, BabyGirl hardly ever plays with Sabrina?? I don't have a clue why not.

She is even brave enough now to lay outside in the middle of the yard with the other goats milling around.. this is something she would NEVER do before without Shani watching over her!

She does however still spend equal time with her daughter .. Here they are sleeping on the old sofa we keep on the porch for the goats... what better way to make use of an old sofa?..

Sometimes they come in early if it's too cold outside.. and lay in the kitchen while I make dinner.. I keep them in then until the next morning when it has warmed up a bit. so they don't go directly from the warm house to the frigid cold night..

Since they sleep in the house every night anyways,.. it's no big deal. BabyGirl gets more tired than her daughter or maybe it's just that she is more spoiled.. *LOL* so while we are watching TV she will climb up onto the bed and go nighty-night.

If I don't let her in when she wants to come in the house.. she gets pitiful and lays right in front of the kitchen door.. Now this is a pitiful scene..(taken from in the kitchen) Who wouldn't let her in?.. Naturally, the other goats want in as well.. but .. well this is BabyGirl's "mom time". It makes her feel special. And she is SO good in the house..

This Just about brings us current.. Sabrina turned 1 year old on Novemeber 11, 2002.

I took this picture of her when she was sleeping in the trough.. on her birthday..

Well.. there you have it.. the life story of my most precious gift.. BabyGirl.. the Miracle Goat! I hope you enjoyed her story!! She is truly a blessing for me!

See her RunWatch her Play

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