We first got together during June or July of 2000.  Jake played guitar, and with Paul's recent conversion to bass, they only needed to find a drummer.  Through a friend of a friend of a friend, Paul found out that his former Drivers Education classmate Andrew Frost was an aspiring young punked up human drum machine.  They got together sometime that summer (I can't remember).  Nothing came from this first jam session, save one TERRIBLE Metallica cover.  Nevertheless, the three decided to get together again.  After a few practices, they decided to call themselves a band.  Now came the most difficult thing about forming a band, thinking of a name.  Paul wanted to call the group Commandoes in Speedos but Andrew found it a little too erotic core even though He consideres himself erotic in all senses of the word.  Yeah well anyway we got our first gig somtime during the winter december january Idont know .  It was a korey Champagnes surprise B-day party at his grandmas house WOO WOO.  If anyone knows when Koreys Birthday is you will know when it was I just remember it was cold as hell.  Paul was right next to a big  breakable looking Christmas tree with breakable looking ornaments and that kinda added an extra level of nervousness to his playing. That went really well. I thought we rocked at the time but now when I go back and watch the video we sucked ass, but it was fine woman ass.  What does that mean I dunno cause Im punk.  Anyway after that we played at Andrew's house, THE FUNKATRON, 2 sundays before Mardi Gras. A lot of people came and we all had a good ole  time(save Jake, who had a "metal" ole time) (WHEW HOO i'M A LOONY!). In the months after that we played at the edw talent show(2nd place), firemans fair, and a rooftop EDW performance.  Yeah somehow we rule even though none of us really know how to play instruments.  We jus keepin it real ova here.    Yep kids its just rock and roll.