The Fundamental Propositions:
What Started the Guardians of Darkness.

by Guardians of Darkness

What Do We Mean by "Guardians" of Darkness?

Of course, Darkness of any kind, especially the Abyssal, Original, One-Darkness we speak of, needs no "guardian." However, this concept is misunderstood, maligned, seen as evil and shunned due to misperceptions. The true meaning of just what this Darkness is, is what needs to be guarded, preserved, if you will, and explained. It is out of this One-Darkness that the Flame first arose, and from that Flame all else came into Being. Without this Darkness, there is no Flame! Other names for the Flame are Vajra, Dorje, Logos.

Proposition I: The Emanated Universe

Creation, as it is understood today, posits the pre-existence of a "creator," which formed the universe out of nothing. In other words, creationists believe that at the beginning of time there was an uncreated being who made everything, including people, planets, rocks, trees, everything, out of absolutely nothing by some fiat of omnipotent power. Creation doctrines also teach a linear view of time, that is, that time progresses in a straight line from beginning to end, there being nothing before or after the duration of the timeline. The Guardians of Darkness rejects the theories of creationists.

The doctrine of emanation holds that universe is a cyclical (coming and going forever) event, periodically entering into dormancy or "sleep," and re-emerging into manifestation (appearance). The view of time in the emanation doctrine is cyclical, meaning, for the most part, that while there are relative "beginnings" and "endings" of certain and particular phases or periods of activities and states within the boundless expanses of space/time, including the bang/crunch of galaxies, there is no absolute beginning or end before or after where nothing exists.

Therefore the Guardians of Darkness hold as our first Fundamental Proposition that the universe and all contained therein is not the creation of any "god" or individual entity, but is the product and fruition of its own inherent forces and principles interacting upon one another throughout infinite duration, and that the quintessential reality within all manifested appearance is eternal and unchanging in nature, while its many forms never cease to change. Our view is called "emanationism" with regards to the origins of the universe.  This view might, today, agree with modern cosmogony, e.g., the Big Bang, but the doctrine that explains this is very ancient. 

Proposition II: Darkness Paramount

The second proposition holds that all ordered manifestation appearing in the universe possesses an inherent tendency towards Darkness and Chaos as its natural and primordial state. This is expressed scientifically in the second and third laws of thermodynamics, also known as entropy, which states that all physical matter inevitably evolves towards an undifferentiated state of inert uniformity. All states of existence, therefore, which depend upon order or established measurable patterns inherently contribute to the increase of entropy in the universe. For the technicalities and the actual formula, see
or see

In other words, since it is shown by science that everything in the universe naturally moves towards a state of disorder, or what may be termed "universal non-identity," it is our proposition that all things naturally seek to return to their original and primordial state of Dark Oneness.

Proposition III: Universal Divinity

The Guardians of Darkness reject all notions of an external, anthropomorphic (human-like) deity. In other words, there is no "personal god" presiding over the universe dispensing rewards and punishments to those whom he deems fit to receive them, and this also includes the savior "god-man" idea held by Christianity and other religions.

We hold that every single entity in the universe, everything which has a recognizable form, everywhere and at all times, is infused throughout every fiber of its being with divinity, and that there is nothing whatsoever in existence that is outside of, or is not utterly infused with, divinity. By this proposition we do not mean to say that there is a form which contains a divine principle, rather we say that the form and that which it contains are equally divine. By "divine" we mean oneness with the eternal and parentless essence of reality and existence.

Again, these fundamental propositions presented here are the basic outline of our beliefs. Within these basic concepts inheres an immense number of individual doctrines and ideas which may be fully explored and interpreted by the individual.

Also see: The Sat-Tanic Postulates