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Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Season Six News

14th August 2001

The Story So Far

With the death of Buffy during the season finale of season five the fans are wondering what is going to happen next season? Well here are my thoughts, we have the little matter of a wedding that should be happening (Xander & Anya), We have the Buffy bot which could replace the slayer since SMG is set to appear in season six & Seven of the show but for how long will we have to put up with the Buffy bot we have no idea... although I think Joss may leave the resurrection of Buffy up until mid season or the season finale. This page will be dedicated to the rumours surrounding season six.

The Funeral

With every death comes a funeral and Buffy deserves a grand affair although this will be a step back since the end of S5 saw Buffys tomb stone... Who will show well rumours that Oz will be showing up is set to stir up some friction between the once happy Willow. The cast of Angel are also set to attend the sad affair.. possibly for one last cross over.

A New Slayer

Since Buffy died it's all the rage at the moment... another Slayer will be coming to town. To replace Buffy? Who Knows. Watch this space for the UPN Promotional Ads.

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