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Q: How’s Gnome going in her quest to destroy Geocities?
A: Unsuccessful, her lawyer wants to settle out of court and Gnome just wants to attack them with large blunt objects and dance on their graves.

Q: What’s Beven doing these days?
A: Wait and see...

Q: You seem to be using more quotes by famous people. Did you run out
of the other type?
A: What other type? I essentially hunt out the funniest, quirkiest or most poignant ones I can.

Q: Did Sebastian ever get anywhere with his acting career?
A: Sebastian got bit parts in a couple of d-grade movies. Before finding love with a Swedish ballroom dancer named Gavin and they're currently living a holistic lifestyle in County Cork.

Q: How did Eddie's movie go?
A: Straight to video...

Q: How are all the animals in your office going? New pit log updates don't mention them.
A: They're all living a somewhat harmonious lifestyle and working as hard as they can. Harold has started to dress like Saddam Hussein, while Digger and the Rat are trying counseling. Satan ate a delivery boy and the flying monkeys have been attacking children again. No one can say we're not good owners.

Q: Will either of you be going to the Melbourne Comedy Festival?
A: Well that would be slightly challenging for Gnome and Harriet can't afford it but she will go to the Adelaide Fringe next year.

Q: Can we have an update on the office betting system?
A: No, no you can't...

Q: Are you registered for the “Am I Good in Bed” special?
A: Hell no, are you insane. It's a scary enough prospect they're letting the poisoned dwarf host such a thing (not that I won’t be watching and taping it...ahem...)

Q: The reviews have started to slow again, will you be taking any steps to rectify this?
A: No, they've picked up today. If we wrote quicker we'd probably get more reviews. Besides you can't really top fonduing Paul, can you?

Q: Will you set up a place for the fansfic writers to have a log, FAQ’s etc?
A: If there was more interest shown it might have been an idea but since no one posts very much it'd be a waste of time and cyber space.

Q: Do you believe in the Zodiac?
A: We read our horoscopes and it's a good laugh but you can't really take it seriously...If I got all the men I'm supposed to I'd be very happy.

Q: What were the best April fool’s jokes you’ve ever pulled?
A: We're not the 'April Fool' kinda people, in fact we don't even own any whoopee cushions.

Q: How’s Becky doing? Is her hair growing back?
A: Becky is just out of the serious burns unit and her hair is starting to grow back, a strange purplish colour though...

Q: What was the womrat called?
A: Keith.

Q: Paul mentions that he would like a smoke at the end of ‘It’s Not Over Until the Fondue Burns’ but he isn’t smoking anywhere else. Why?
A: Because getting him drunk is funnier.

Q: How did Fen know that Paul had contacts? He’s never mentioned them.
A: Maybe not to you, but we don't have all of his and Fenny's private conversations, and how do you know Gina didn't tell her or show her when he mentioned it on Rove?

Q: The end is missing on some of your mp3s; will you be doing anything to rectify this?
A: We're not aware of this and we listen to all the songs before posting them. So technically, it’s not our problem, besides which how can we rectify a problem if you don't email Gnome like the damn site asks?

Q: What’s your opinion on the war?
A: Our only opinion is that Saddam Hussein is a very naughty boy...

Q: The Crows are doing okay so far this season; do you think you might have to eat your words Harri?
A: What words, ok I have a new found respect for Wayne Carey. Especially since his mate's wife isn't copping the flack he is (for our American friends, Wayne is a footballer who fucked his mate's wife in the bathroom at a party). I mean, it’s not like she wasn't there. Oh and the Crows are doing brilliantly!

Q: Will Gnome be receiving a copy of ‘Am I Good In Bed”/has she already got one?
A: What type of person do you think Gnome is, she'd never enjoy such filth...

Q: What were Vicki and Scott’s kids names?
A: You'll find out when we choose to name them.

Q: Does Paul really not drive?
A: Yes, Paul really doesn't drive and neither does Mikey’s not compulsory you know?

Q: Did you enjoy the comedy gala Harri?
A: Of course, although Paul's suit scared me and you need to know when I saw GUD, he didn't know the words to that song and had to get his folder out so he could read them!

Q: Can you believe 'The Pit' has been going a year?
A: No, not really. We expected it would fail after a week and be gone from our lives by now. It's interesting that a lot of sites have been disappearing but we still seem to be going ok.

Q: Why do you think people still like 'The Pit'?
A: You tell us? We imagine it has something to do with Paul, the regular updating, a funky soundtrack and the frequent changes of the front page. It's got to be kept updated and fresh to keep the audience interested. It's all marketing darlings.

Q: What has been your highlight over the past year?
A: It would have to be the mass outpouring of emotion and fans we didn't know we had when we kidnapped and fondued Paul. We went from 46 guestbook entries to over 80 in about three days. I wonder what happened to all those people.

Q: What has been the greatest lowlight over the past year?
A: Probably the mix of various technology problems. From crashing computers, to evil Geocities and in more recent times the spiteful guestbook. There's also been nasty software and limited storage space (well, we have our ways of dealing with that). Oh and our scanners are uncooperative.

Q: How do you see the future of 'The Pit'?
A: I guess we'll be around as long as people read our stuff and enjoy what we have to offer. That and Geocities doesn't you know, kick us off and ban us from their server for life or something....could happen...

Q: What is the future of the ‘Fondue’ series?
A: It’s currently in limbo, (no not the dance with a stick) until we can decide whether to go ahead with a final instalment for closures sake or leave it as it is. There’s still plenty there to write about, we’re still very fond of it and we don’t think it ever got boring. So generally, I wouldn’t be surprised if another instalment pops up sometime in the future.

Q: Why did you change the way the site looks?
A: We felt like it was time for a bit of a re-vamp; we wanted to look slightly more professional to people who come to our site. Also it seemed a little silly to put so much focus on WL and the DCS when they’re barely on TV and the fanbase has declined. Not that we don’t still love them of course. We also felt it was time to put something about us on there and be a bit more honest.

Q: Why are you taking so long to update these days?
A: They say all good things must come to an end and in this case it’s a large chunk of our free time. Life has taken over and adult things like work and bill paying have consumed our writing time. We do apologise and we are trying to give some more attention to the site. We’re as passionate as we ever were about our little bit of cyber space and we appreciate everyone who’s bared with us during our slow progress of late.

Q: Will there be any more music added to ‘The Soundtrack’ what with all the controversy over people downloading music these days?
A: Of course there will, actually we really should stick a few more tunes in there that have been mentioned in other fics. If there’s any songs we’ve made mention of that you’re interested in hearing or think we should add, drop us a line and we’ll be only too willing to do so.

Q: Do you plan any more ‘front page’ changes?
A: Why yes we do, we’re working on one (well ok, Gnome is working on one) as we type. It’s hopefully going to be a bit special and may possibly involve a certain stuffed animal.

Fondue Pit