Smallville Addicts Music Video Awards
VOTE 4 your favorite music video!
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These rules should be extremely read and followed before nominating a music video or videos:

1. The video must not contain any adult materials. The music used must not contain the so-called "bad words" or swears so make sure that if you're nominating for a rock or rap video, it doesn't contain any of these. Remember that the video you will nominate will be displayed in public so anybody, even a 7-yr-old child may have the chance to watch it.

2. It should be from your own original thought only.

3. The video should not exceed 10 mb. Otherwise, it will not be reviewed.

4. You may nominate three (3) of your own music videos in every season.

5. Every one (1) music video may be nominated for at least two (2) categories.

6. I require you to put up SAMVA's button (with our link of course) immediately after nominating (limit of 2 days or your nomination will be disregarded). The button should be visible enough for all the visitors of your site to see. If you don't have a site where you display your videos, I'm sorry but I may not consider your nomination (I'm really sorry).

7. Your music video(s) must be already uploaded in the net before nominating and must be in the .WMV format and of course, must only talk about Smallville.

8. In the space on the form where it says "yelly, voily, ...?", fill in "Rusty". If you leave this blank, I will not take any considerations even if your music video obeys all the rest of the rules.

Questions still unanswered? E-mail me.

Disclaimer: Smallville Addicts Music Video Awards (SAMVA) only showcases the great works of music video makers. We don't own Smallville. is the owner and we have not been a part of it.