Name: Edward S. dela Pena Jr.
Nick: Unyo, Jr, Ed, Ted
Status: Single
Birthday: December 31
Heigth: ayos lang!
Weigth: ok lng din!


Color: red, black, white and sky blue
Food: Filipino, Chinese and Japanese food.
Music: Rock, Pop, Jpop all kind of musics
Song: Heart of Worship, Closer You and I, Numb, You Decorated My Life,
Artist: Slapshock, Linkin Park
Movies: BraveHeart, Lord of the Ring, Die Another Day
Sports: Basketball
Anime: Rurouni Kenshin Samurai X, Yuyu Hakusho, Slamdunk, Lupin III
Girls: The cute one


basketball, anime, videogames, watching TV, go to mall, sleep late, wake up late(if theres no school).