George Mardikian, Esq.
Looking for legal assistance in California?  Contact an Attorney who CARES about protecting your rights and your financial best interests!

This is the website of George Edward Mardikian, and the Law Offices of George Mardikian, Esq.  Please feel free to browse my website, or contact me using the email link provided below.

*NOTE: By sending an email or reading this website, you agree that: The statements expressed herein are designed to provide information only, and are not intended to, nor do they, offer legal advice. Opinions expressed to you in this site or through email are not intended to, nor do they, create an attorney-client relationship, nor do they constitute legal advice. No electronic communication, on its own, will generate an attorney-client relationship, nor will it be considered an attorney-client privileged communication.
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Name: George Mardikian