2.7.7 Quorum

A .A quorum at the Annual General Meeting or any Special Meeting shall be two-thirds (2/3) of all

the members in good standing and eligible to vote.

B. A quorum at the regular Executive Board Meetings shall be five (5) Board members.

C. Elected Board Members shall have voice and vote at the Annual General Meeting.

2.7.8 Voting Qualifications of Members: To be eligible to have voice and vote at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting of this league, a member must be:

A. In good standing in the league; le. is neither suspended nor on probation.

B. Current in all its obligations to the League and its members. Any team who is not current in its obligations to the League will forfeit voice and vote.

C. Any League member, who knows of any reason why a team or delegate should be denied its vote, must notify the Secretary in writing and send a copy of the notice to the team's delegate.


2.8.1 The Fiscal year shall be from the first day in January to the last day of December.

2.8.2 The Seasonal year shall begin Memorial Day and last until September 30.

2.9 PLEAS OF IGNORANCE: It is the responsibility of each player, coach, manager, and team official to know and understand the Constitution, By-laws, Rules and Regulations, and Policies and Procedures. A plea of ignorance to the Constitution, By-laws, Rules and Regulations, and Policies and Procedures will not be considered an excuse for failing to follow them and will not be considered as a defense in any Disciplinary Hearing, and violators shall expect appropriate action by the Executive Board.


2.10.1 Authority: These By-laws in their initial form and content shall be effective upon approval by the Executive Board, and by their adoption, any other By-Laws shall be thereby declared to have been revoked, rescinded and rendered inoperative as the official By-Laws of the GLWSL.

2.10.2 Suspension: Any section of the By-laws may be temporarily suspended by the action of three-fourths (3;4) of the active members attending any official meeting at which a quorum is present, provided that due and proper notice is given.

2.10.3 Revision:-These By-Laws may be altered, amended, or replaced by action at the Annual General Meeting by support of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership present and in good standing, provided that said notice of intention to submit such shall have been included in the notice of that meeting, postmarked at least fourteen (14) days prior, including the language of said change.
