Rebecca Staab/Port Charles News and Scoops
Great news for PC fans! Port Charles is getting a second life on SoapNet! The network is planning to show back-to-back reruns of the soap beginning December 29th 2003! The series will start with "Fate" the first arc that kicked off PC's new 3 month arc format in December 2000. The episodes will be shown from 12-1 pm/ET. So be sure to tune in if you're a fan and want to catch up a bit on the history of PC or if you're a fan of Rebecca alone, be sure to tune in when the "Naked Eyes" arc rolls around to see when Rebecca made her debut on the show!
ABC has cancelled Port Charles! The last episode will air on Friday October 3rd 2003,when the show's 12th "book", The Gift concludes. To read more about this devastating announcement, click here.
PC's 12th arc  entitled "The Gift" will begin July 7th 2003 and will revolve around Caleb's vampire ring which has the power to grant wishes and everyone wants it!
If you get SoapNet, you'll be happy to know that the network will now be airing 3 daily showings of PC, instead of 2, beginning on April 28th! The new showing will be 6:30pm ET/PT.Click here for the airtimes in your area!
Scoop for the upcoming week(s)
Port Charles has ended it's run. The last episode aired on Friday October 3rd 2003