INDEX TO VOLUME 7(1-12)(2003)


7(1) 2003 January


A case of blow-up for a parabolic model with exponential boundary


MOTREANU                                                                                 01


Bilateral Mock Theta functions of order “seven”, D. P. SHUKLA

and M. AHMAD                                                                            08


On the behaviour of Bilateral Mock Theta functions of order

 “seven”, D. P. SHUKLA and M. AHMAD                                          16


On lower order and lower type of entire functions of two complex

variables, DEVENDRA KUMAR                                                        26


Isolation estimate of first conjugate point for systems, JAHAN

EFTEKHAR, RAMON NAVARRO, and BETTY TRAVIS                       35


7(2) 2003 February


A generalization of Banach contraction principle in probabilistic


KUMAR VATS                                                                            41


Biological invasions with flux-limited dispersal, J. DAVID LOGAN    47                                                     

Extragradient methods and nonlinear variational inequalities,

RAM U. VERMA                                                                          63


On C(K)-Orthomorphisms, ÖMER GÖK                                         72


7(3) 2003 March


Continuous multiresolution analysis associated with the Dunkl

operator on R, ABDELLATIF JOUINI                                             79


Permanence of a nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra difference system

with delays, QINQIN ZHANG and ZHAN ZHOU                              99                                                     

The motion of timelike surfaces with constant Gaussian curvature,

in , ZHOU KOUHUA, TIAN CHOU, and ZUO DAFENG              107


7(4) 2003 April


Certain subclasses of Meromorphically p-valent functions involving

a linear operator, J. PATEL and NAK EUN CHO                                       117


Partially relaxed cocoercive variational inequalities and general

auxiliary problem principle in infinite-dimensional Hilbert Spaces,

RAM U VERMA                                                                                    129                                                    

Global existence and asymptotic behavior for nonlinear viscoelastic

problem, SALIM A. MESSAOUDI and NASSER-EDDIN TATAR                  136


Spherical harmonics associated with the Dunkl-Bessel-Laplace

Operator, HATEM MEJJAOLI and KHALIFA TRIMECHЀ                                    150


7(5)2003 May


Pre-numerical methods in the theory of nonlinear operators,

ADRIAN DUMA and CRISTIAN VLADIMIRESCU                                      173


Gradient method as a finite procedure for minimizing a positive

definite quadratic function, HUIWEN WANG                                  195                                

Upper and Lower solutions for second order discontinuous

differential inclusions, B. C. DHAGE,T. L. HOLAMBE, and

S. K. NTOUYAS                                                                          206


A criterion for the weak law of large numbers, T. G. CHEN and

K. H. LIN                                                                                   213


7(6)2003 June


A class of n-dimensional complex Henon Maps and Fatou-

Bieberbach domains in , T. G. CHEN and K. Y. CHEN                 221


Nonlinear functional random boundary value problems,

B. DHAGE, S. V. MUDPE, and S. K. NTOUYAS                               230                                

Hamiltonian systems associated with constant mean curvature

surfaces in hyperbolic three-space, XI-FANG CAO                          241


The influence of weak C-Normality of Subgroups on the structure

of finite groups, MIAO LONG                                                       249


On a class of functions of complex order involving a certain

Fractional Calculus Operator, R. K. RAINA, I. B. BAPNA, and

R. N. KALIA                                                                               259


7(7) 2003 July


Multiple Solutions for a Mixed Boundary Value Problem,

ROBERTA SALVATI                                                                    275


Bernstein-Szegö-Gauss Quadrature with Modified Weight,

Functions, L. BOYADJI, R. SCHERER, and V. DUSCHEK                  284                                

General Class of Partially Relaxed Pseudococoercive

Variational Inequalities and Related Auxiliary Problem

Principle, RAM U. VERMA                                                            300


C-Total Real Submanifolds of Sasakian Space Form,

XI-FANG CAO                                                                            308


7(8) 2003 August


Growth of Entire Functions of Two Complex Variables,

DEVENDRA KUMAR                                                                    316


Four Steps Projection Methods and Nonlinear Variational

Inequalities Involving Strongly Monotone Mappings, Ram

U. VERMA                                                                                 322


A New Approach to Kannan Mappings in , B. C. DHAGE             335


Approximation-Solvability of a New System of Nonlinear

Variational Inequalities, QIN HUA WU, SEQING LIU, SOO HAK

SHIM, and SHIN MIN KANG                                                         338


7(9) 2003 September


Multivalent Harmonic Starlike Functions With Missing

Coefficients, OM P. AHUJA and JAY M. JAHANGIRI,                      347


Small Perturbations Of Degenerate Elliptic Equations With

Lack of Compactness, MARIUS GHERGU                                       353


Periodicity In The Lyness Equation, WALTER S. SIZER                   366


Local Fixed point Theory For The Product of Two Operators

in Banach Algebras, B. C. DHAGE                                                 373


7(10) 2003 October


Extremal Points For The Fourth Order Boundary Value Problems,

BASANT KARNA                                                                        382


Comments On The Papers Involving Variational And

Quasivariational Inequalities For Fuzzy Mappings, ZEQING

LIU and SHIN MIN KANG                                                            394


On The Improved Variant Of The L. V. Kantorovich Theorem

for Newton’s Method, IOANNIS K. ARGYROS                                400


7(11) 2003 November


Solvability of a Two-Point Boundary Value Problem at Resonance

For Higher-Order Ordinary Differential Equations, YUJI LIU and     

WEIGAO GE                                                                              406


Stability and Disease Persistence in an Age-Structured SIS

Epidemic Model with Vertical Transmission and Proportionate

Mixing Assumption, M. EL-DOMA                                                 430



7(12) 2003 December


Parabolic Potentials Associated with the Product Dunkl


KHALIFA TRIMЀCHE                                                                   446


General Class of Partially Relaxed Pseudococoercive Variational

Inequalities and Convergence of Auxiliary Problem Principle in

Infinite-Dimensional Hilbert Spaces, RAM U. VERMA                      469


Study of Certain Structures Defined on the Cotangent Bundle of

a Differentiable Manifold, LOVEJOY S. DAS, RAM NIVAS, and S.

ALI                                                                                           477

Index to Volume 7 (Nrs. 1-12), 2003                                            489