Keap your Sugar Glider Healthy!!!! If you have any questions please e-mail me.

Calcium Deficiency

-Calcium Deficiency accures when a Sugar Glider does not get enough calcium in it's body, and that mostly accures when they eat to much food that is high in phosphorus low in calcium. When this happens their bones break alot easier. Signs of this happening are difficulty moving from side to side of its cage, paralysis, lameness, and even death if it isn't treated. To aviod this put some calcium supplement on its food every night, but don't put to much on, and hold bake on the high in phosphorus foods.

Trimming its Claws

A Sugar Gliders claws should be trimmed when ever they get long. They should get trimmed for two reasons, they can't move easily in their cage, and they can get so sharp that they puncture your skin. To trim their claws you need to use a pair of small finger nail clippers. You only clip the very tip of its nail. If you have an un-tame Glider try giving it honey to make it stay still.

Cleaning the Cage

It is important to clean your Gliders cage as often as you can. The cage gets lots of dead fruit that the Sugar Glider drops when eating.
Wash the cage about once every one or two weeks.

this is a small section on health, so e-mail me with

Always wash you hands before and after handiling