This page will show you what to feed and what not to feed your pet Sugar Glider.

This picture belongs to Sassy and Cinnamon, The Glider Girls web page, and you must get Snicki's permission before using it in your site.

A Glider's diet consists mainly of friuts and vegetables as well as sources of protein. The diet should contain about 20% protein.

Fruits and Vegetables

Sugar Glider's enjoy lots of differant types of fruits and vegetables. But all gliders are differant and they all like differant foods. You will have to try differant types each night to find out what your glider likes and dislikes. Howerver though, don't just feed it what it likes, you must also give it whats nutritionally good for it.any fruit is good, but NO CHERRIES they are poisonous!!!(Fruits and vegetables must always be served fresh!!)
Feed three to four differant fruits and vegetables in differant orders each night. It is not necessary to cut the pieces very tiny, you can feed your glider food in relatively large chunks.


The following are great sources of protien: Meat, poultry, eggs, tofu, crickets, and mealworms.
Both meat and poultry should be served cooked, lean, and minced. It's not a good idea to feed your pet processed meat, because the added salt is bad. All chicken should be served with out skin.

Eggs should not be used as the main source of protien because of it's low calcium, high phosphorus makeup. Although you could use it if you have a calcium suplament put on top.(A good one is RepCal)

Crickets and mealworms are a great source of protien. It's great how fat a glider can pounce on of those things. don't feed your glider anymore than one or two crickets or mealworms a night, because they are high in fat, you don't want a fat Sugar Glider.

Tofu is also a good source of protien and is high in calcium to phosphorus. It can be cut up and put in fruit or you can just serve it plain.

Dairy Products
Dairy products such as PLAIN yogurt and cottage cheese are good sources of protein as well.

Food not to be fead regulary

Any kind of nut and dry catfood. Gliders love nuts and it's a good source of protien, but it's also high in fat.

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