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A Personal Life-plan

Writer's Comment: In an earlier session, Granger wrote: "The High-soul provides a constant stream of energy into the human mind; the mind processes the energy through the brain into the physical senses. At the time of physical birth the first item of agenda is the preparation of a life-plan. This life-plan is programmed by the soul into the nature and personality of the one to be born in the earth. No two life-plans are ever the same.This is one reason why look-alike, and think-alike, and act-alike attitudes in life are so undesirable.

"The life-plan is one of the direct influences in shaping the life of the individual. Of course there are other influences as well, such as the physical inheritance through the physical body, the attitude and emotional condition of the mother, and the environment and early teaching (or lack of) given to the child."

At the beginning of a writing session on May 21, 1978, I asked for Granger's assistance to request a reading of my personal life-plan directly from my High-soul. At the conclusion of the session, in which the life-plan was given, Granger wrote: "We have completed the writing of your life-plan as presented from the inner being of your High-soul. We [Granger] simply provided protection and a safe channel through which the information could flow to you, and we facilitated the writing. The information is, of course, your own to do with as you may choose. There are, we believe, others who might desire to read and note the relationship between a personality living with 'the problems of the day' in the physical life and the High-soul of that same personality. The soul does not enter the earth-life, but obviously walks closely beside and gives the support and guidance needed so long as freedom of choice is exercised in harmony with the guiding from the soul."

(Granger): Let us explain that this reading has nothing whatsoever to do with The Starters group nor, for that matter, with me, Granger. We did not construct it nor did we contribute to it. The reading comes directly from your own High-soul, from whom your personality was created; to whom it will continue to respond, and from which it will continue to receive life and direction long after you have cleared the scene on earth. I, Granger, will simply be playing the role of a channel to provide the flow of words so that you can write easily.


"We of the High-soul are well aware of all efforts made in the earth-life by the personality. We know from whence you came since we are the source. We know that which you go on to since we are there also. Walk easily, walk well, walk in a high state of well being. Do not fear the anvil of life; it is simply the way in which the personality is shaped to go on for higher and higher purpose. We walk in a vast and well established cosmos, but we walk closely beside you at all times; no need to feel abandoned in the earth. The soul loses no one: not now, not later, not ever. All men are known and accounted for; all women are held in the palm of the soul's right hand. No need to despair nor to tremble; pick up the challenge of life and run. Enjoy the experience of being in whatever location you may find yourself. Now we will proceed to the writing for your lifetime.

When you first entered the earth, there was a need to experience the life of the country. This need came out of the multiple needs of the soul. When those needs were met the experience changed to that of the military. Many useful things came out of that. We do not condone the use of violence but the need for the experience of the war was useful. When men die in the throes of war, they create great upheaval in the high levels of the soul. When blood of man is shed in violence, the upheaval is carried into the highest courts of being.

We are well pleased with the writing that you are doing now. This writing brings you full-circle to the point where you first entered the earth. Prepare well for what you do. Open the mind, with clear discrimination of what is sound and true from what is false and weak. We of the High-soul will walk closely with you. We are your guiding hand. Blessed is the one through whom you write. He is a high soul and will not lead you astray.

When you write do not give quarter to those who cannot accept the challenge of the Truth of Consciousness; do not accept that which is shoddy or ill-conceived. Do not back away from that which needs to be said; say it in all kindness but present the truth. Silence, remember, is often a lie; do not be guilty of silence when truth needs to be presented.

We want to go back now to the beginnings of this, your lifetime. In the beginning, this life-plan al life. Yours was to be deeply submerged in the process of meaning in physical terms. And this is why in your lifetime you have never been able to accept anything at face value. Yours was the assignment to lift aside that which was presented; to examine that which was concealed. You have never been able to accept easily that which convention presented to you. Always the struggle to peer inside; always the need to read the deeper meaning; always the penetration to the bottom of the pile. Do not try ever to skim life from the top. That is not in harmony with your purpose and little value will come from it. For this reason there are those who will lay claim to your efforts, who will seek to obtain recognition for that which you have done. But do not stop to resent. Allow those who choose to take the credit to do so if they wish. Such effort will bring them nothing in the end. Many men and women in the earth-cycle live by claiming credit for that which they did not achieve. This is to their own detriment; it seems to pay off now but will dissipate as fog later when the sun rises on the day of their life's work.

Continue the effort to penetrate life; that is the purpose and meaning of all your being. Do not accept the fast-buck artist, nor the swift-tongued politician. Shun the "con-men" of the earth, and give several moments of thought to that which is given in any writing or book. Do not accept the words of the ever-knowing evangelist, who understands and explains life in three sentences. Do not give any quarter to the astrologer who reads your life in the palm of your hand. All of these have a purpose in life, but it is not the purpose to which you are assigned. The fullness of life must be examined in great depth; the harmony of life must be understood. The channels and flow of energy, out of which life-springs are sending forth newness: all of these must be explored in detail, and examined in a clear and open-minded way.

When you entered the physical life-cycle it was to achieve certain goals and objectives. Some have been achieved, some have been set aside, and others have been encountered or taken on as additions. The desired pathway is now being followed, continue with diligence. Be willing to follow the channel as it opens before you. Spend no time worrying about who will assist or how help will come. The helper will be present when the need is at hand. You have applied your years with some considerable effort that has taken you onto the path you need to follow.

Your's has been a pattern of not joining organizations or groups; you see yourself as somewhat of a loner, a mild renegade from convention and conformity. You know it costs you something to refrain from entering into organizations, yet you choose to pay the price ...then you wonder why. Well the reason is that your life-pattern directs and drives your tendency to remain outside the circle are not one for joining hands and entering the social circle. This is neither good nor bad in itself. It is simply the drive and thrust of your life-pattern, or program for life, to remain on the outside until you are very sure that your personal independence is secured and assured.

You are prepared to pay something for your personal independence and freedom. This is not wrong. It allows you freedom to state your concepts without the restriction of any commitment to any order or set of beliefs. You have need for that freedom in carrying out your life-pattern and your life-assignment. Accept all people as they are as individuals, but do not pledge allegiance to their orders or patterns of beliefs. When you do that you will close off certain areas of your mind. Your concerns with the way in which the present material is being presented is not to be taken with more than normal caution. You are in the presence of high integrity as you work with this group of writers. They are blessed with many talents and the desire to present truth into the earth.

Do not be concerned about the critic. There are those who will find fault; there are those who will not accept your writings; there are those who will claim credit. These things are of no concern, pursue the truth as it is presented to you. Present the truth as you comprehend it; do not substitute any false or misleading statement for any reason whatsoever, and do not avoid that which you believe to be true.

The reasons for certain seeming discrepancies in your lifetime are not to be of any great concern. The cut and thrust of life is always of a nature that leaves things to be desired. The soul [High-soul] does not perform the roll of a bean-counter for good and evil. We will choose the experience from your life that can be used and we will apply that to the growth by which you will proceed into the next life. The areas of life from which you will receive the greater benefit are those that present deeper awareness and understanding. Comprehension of life, with all its shades of meaning, in terms of the physical life, is the mark toward which you should aim. We walk with those who help you from the other planes of life. Any who present fraud will be quickly expose long as you of your own free will and choice seek truth only. Avoid those who wish to disintegrate your efforts; we see no point to be gained from non-constructive dialogue. Press the point; push into new material; make the effort. We will guide the events once you choose to push the effort to breakthrough. You left this soul [High-soul] to create a comprehensive pattern of experience in the depth of the physical life, in its deep inner meanings as experienced by life in the earth. Many of these meanings have come together through the channels of your lifetime. The need now is to comprehend the deeper inner meanings of this life in the earth.

In closing, keep that which has been given to you; seek that which you need to grow in knowledge and understanding of life and truth. No doorway is sacred; enter in at the open door. Observe what is presented. Understand to the full extent of your comprehension, and seek for greater wisdom to be given. These are the keys that will open for you the vast and beautiful chambers of consciousness. They will lead you into the very centres of the knowledge and wisdom preserved for those who follow the direction: Seek and you shall find. knock and it shall be opened onto you. Do this and you may rest well assured that we, your very soul, will do the rest."


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