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Health and Healing

(Granger): Many people go through an entire lifetime without any serious disease or medical problems. The medical profession is, of course, aware of this, but have done no great amount of research on it because they assume it has something to do with having inherited, through the genes, a very healthy body. There are many other reasons, of course, as well as good genes, for good health. One other reason is the mental outlook, or mental set, that says I am a healthy, and usually a happy person. I believe in my own good health; I expect to be healthy; I want to be healthy. My instinct tells me how to stay healthy. Obviously I can not rely on my doctor for good health; he doesn't do as well in that area as I am doing.

Many would say, and some have said, that you (the writer) are too stubborn or strong-headed to recognize a disease if you met it. We would not say that, of course, but it is your native beliefs that keeps you immune to diseases and protects you from the bad results of pressure at work. Believe me, you have accepted sufficient pressure in this area to bring about half a dozen heart attacks, not to mention all the other by-products of stress. Now don't assume that you can buck pressure head on forever. You need to change your attitude somewhat; let the pressure roll through. You know that already, but you still hit it with your head. Don't keep blocking all energy encountered. Let the energy from others flow through. Let the steam-pressure expand itself before you attempt to resolve the real problems.

There is nothing new in what we have told you here; you already know that what we have written is true. In one way or another, it is all in your own mind already, but we are trying to bring it into focus a little better. We, being very clever, are peeking over your shoulder at future readers and if, dear reader, you should find here a shoe that fits you, more or less, please be clever enough to wear it. This is our little lecture for the day on good health. We hope anyone who reads it will apply it to his or her own situation as required.

There is a belief, in the Western world at least, that good health is a community affair, that the government, the hospital, the insurance company, even the employer, is the one responsible for providing good health. These organizations do have a responsibility for the well being of their members and they must accept that responsibility. However, there is a very real, and a very personal area of responsibility carried by each individual, in any society, for his or her own personal well-being and good health.

There is no force anywhere, in the universe or beyond, allowed to interfere with the freedom of the individual mind. No entity or organization outside of the self gives out good or bad health. Health, the state of the physical body, is the responsibility of the personal mind. We want to make that point here, because it is so difficult to persuade anyone to believe that he or she controls her or his own health ...he or she and no one else.

We see your question: along comes a little flock of virus or germs; they enter the body and so far as they are concerned, "to hell with the mind and its thoughts, who cares, we have a nice, juicy body here in which we can expand and multiply like the proverbial Old Harry. Forget the mind, let's get going, and start spreading like disease is suppose to spread." Your question is, "What happens now?"

First of all, understand that the psychic energy supplied through the mind, through the brain, through the glands, through the nervous system, permeates the entire body down to the very structure of each and every cell, including the cells that are dying and the new cells being created. Second, there is nothing that is good or bad in itself; nothing is an evil or bad thing. It may not be in the best interests of the personality to whom the body belongs, that is true; the activity of the disease is not, however, some evil, or a misalignment in its own right.

We need to work a little on that above statement. If we lose you here, we lose the whole concept of healing. Let us explain in some more detail. First, the activity of nature, any activity of nature, is not an "evil" effort. Nature at all levels of consciousness performs the task, using the energy given, in accordance with its own program of consciousness and effort required. It is all as easy as the idea you (the writer) had while listening to this morning's rain. The rain falls in harmony with gravity; no other effort is required, no struggle, everything happens so easily that it seems as though it couldn't be any other way. That was a good "thought for the day", and very essential to understanding how nature works. We need to expand that idea to understand that all of nature works in this same easy, relaxed, but often very complex way. But just because some of this activity of nature causes conditions in the body which we refer to as disease or poor health, that does not, in itself, cause the natural activity to suddenly become an evil activity. There is no evil force or ill-will behind the disease. There is no intention to do harm to the human body or brain inherent in the nature of any disease.

The bacteria, the virus, and other elements of basic life are a natural and essential part of the whole pattern of consciousness. To exterminate these elements from existence could create and allow more undesirable elements of life to enter. The ideal situation is to learn to control, direct, and channel these forms of life into the desired activity and to direct them away from the areas of life, such as the human body, where they become undesirable.

To accomplish the above is no small task; easy to say but very difficult to accomplish. However, we may be able to help some. It is imperative to succeed in having good health to understand the use of the power of the human mind. If I were in medical research today on earth, this is where I would direct all my energy and effort.

The human mind has the power to heal the human body. It is probably the most powerful, potential source of health and healing in the physical universe. Do not attempt to brainwash or control another mind; learn how to teach the patient to heal his or her own body using the mind. The mind can direct the activity of the very cells; it can contribute to the energy needed to restore a normal function to a diseased organ; it can build up resistance in an organ or body to any form of infection or disease. There is almost no limit to the power of the mind to heal the body.

This activity needs to be under the control of professional medical researchers and practising doctors. This is not an activity to be entered into lightly by an amateur; it is no hobbyhorse for anyone. But the rewards for good solid research in this area would include benefits that it would be difficult to overestimate.

Always, the patient, or the individual who is in need of help must do the visualizing, or seeing in the mind, the healthy condition. The patient generates the cure out of his or her own mind. The mind itself can heal its own physical body when directed by the will of the individual. The most important activity for any individual interested in good health is to develop the vision of the self, the body and the mind, working together and in good health. It is not easy, in fact it is almost impossible, when sick and in pain to visualize a healthy body, free from pain and disease. Also it is difficult to start in old age visualizing good personal health, when one has experienced a lifetime of sickness. The time to start this type of mental visualizing is when young, and the younger the better.

Do not allow the mind to wander around when doing this visualizing; train it to see the body in good health, participating in pleasant activity, enjoying the exercise and movement of the limbs and the body in total. The image of this health and activity must become strong enough to be etched in the mind. The body will soon begin to respond in like manner, and an improvement in health will soon appear.

Anyone who undertakes this visualizing needs to follow it through in application. This does not mean that they must set out to become athletes or make any records for physical effort, but it does mean that effort to put the vision of good health into practice is necessary. The way to do this depends on the individual, the age, the previous level of activity, and the interests one has in activities. They may be of a social or a more private nature. However, exercise in one form or another, in harmony with the mental vision of health is necessary.

You may say, "why in Heaven's name would any mind, of its own choice and of sound mind, not want to heal its own body without the visualizing and supporting exercise?" A good question. The answer is, in very simple terms, that the choice of the mind is clothed in the visualization, through the imagination, and in the way in which the mind sees reality. Reality is very much what we choose to make it; it is not so cut and dried as we often think. There are many realities, so called, all chugging along in parallel. The choice of the inner-mind as to which reality the mind and psychic-will shall bring into physical focus, is the reality you see in physical life on earth. By coming to the place in the inner-mind where we choose, of our free will, to change paths of reality, the mind sets a new set of realities into process and brings them into focus on the physical surface we see as life on earth. If the mind chooses a path leading to good health and healing, you may bet your bottom dollar on it, that healing and good health will occur in real physical terms of life.


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