Fool. Idiot. Imbecile. Death wish. Suicide. Fatal mistake. Johnny Street either is, has, or made these things based on his actions at Rumble. How foolish can one man be? True, I attacked him but I gave him incentive and I went as far as drawing first blood that night but still, why didn't he just go through with it and kill me when he had the chance. Now it just gets worse and worse. The High Society, his Juniorweight title. Isn't all of that enough without botching up the ambush. Now, Johnny, you're really in for it. For every shot you take at me, I'm going to reflect back with more emphasis. You hit me and I hit harder, that's my war mentality. No matter how bad the damage, it's only right to attack with more than before. Johnny, the clock shall keep ticking. Time doesn't stop. Sure, you have a very long span of time between our now and our little encounter. You've already been signed for the next huge event which is perfectly fine with me. It doesn't mean that I'm letting you off the hook nor will I not in attendance. I have my eye fixated dead on you and soon enough, I'll exact my revenge...

The scene grows dark and we start to see those exact same images that we saw before but this time, they are a bit more clear. We see Johnny Street holding the same belt we saw on Rumble as he reigns supreme in his youth and then we see Lou with a belt of his own raised high. We see swift clips of the two trading words and then the scene becomes blurry again before coming to a halt, fading to black. The scene, then, fades from black to a dimly-lit padded room located in who-knows-where. All that accompanies the figure below us in the straitjacket is a single lightbulb, hanging from the ceiling by it's lonesome. The figure is cuddled up and curled in a little ball while his bare feet lay rested against the soft -celled wall. Lou sits up straight, a bit groggy but nonetheless, eager to speak his mind yet again. Let's see now..... 

Lou Nattik: And yet again, his cowardice rears it's ugly head. Street, what the is wrong with you? Have you gone mad? I mean, let's be realistic for a minue because you're obviously confused. What you pulled back there at Rumble had to be one of the most idiotic mistakes I've ever seen made in my entire life. Did you honestly think that you were going to put one over on the Extreme Idol? If so, then you've seriously got another thing coming because you were wrong. You can shake me up a little and if lucky, you could catch me off guard but ending me will be the LAST thing that you ever do. I knew what you were thinking. You wanted it to stop right then and there. You wanted to prove me wrong, didn't you? You wanted to finally feel that rush of excitement from seeing someone in pain but, alas, it was too much for you to bear. Though you're attempting to show a tough exterior nowadays, it's still apparent that you're still soft on the inside. You just don't have that killer instinct and alas, that's what's going to bring you to your downfall. I thought that I saw a hint of it still inside you as you violently attacked like a man gone wild but was very disappointed when it came time for you to finish the job. You've changed a lot. I'll admit that but deep inside you lies that grungy killer that's begging to be released. Why don't you just release it, Johnny? Let it all out. You know you want to. You can't possibly keep him cooped up in there forever and he's going to come out sooner or later, what better time than now? I'd sure as hell love for that hidden entity to be around when I'm whomping to hell out of you in that caged hell that's set for the future. Get an early start, Johnny. I'm sure that everyone's just DYING to know about your past....

Lou shrugs his shoulders into the corner and crossed his legs, indian-style before slumping up against the walls. He's obviously trying to shake out the post-Rumble shock or just shorten the adrenaline rush he received from all of the action. There'll be plenty more to follow....

Lou Nattik: You're right about us wanting to end each other's careers. I'd love to just annihilate you and leave you with no future. I'd be in a total bliss of happiness if I knew that you were unable to compete in the sport for the remainder of your natural life. If I knew that Johnny Street was in a state of complete distraught, I'd throw a celebration that very day. The fact of the matter is clear. I hate you. I hate you with a passion that many wouldn't understand unless they actually knew what I had went through to get to this point. If only they know how bad I wanted that GWF World title. That one thing was the only incentive that I had in the sport but I never got my chance to hold it. It's just unfair. I was screwed without even competing which is very low indeed but I will get my chance soon enough. Seems that around here, Street's helping to call the shots since he happens to be part of the upperclass muffin-assed High Society. I'm to work my way up which I don't really mind because if I had never done it before, we wouldn't be where we are today. It starts this upcoming Saturday with the Televsion champion, Chris Hunter in a match that's non-title. Look at that, they're screwing me yet again. Whenever there's something that I, surely, have in the bag- they snatch it away from me and hand it to some other undeserving nobody. It just continues on and on. It never stops. A never-ending cycle that haunts me wherever I go but it WILL end soon. I'm going to go straight through your television champion like the unstoppable juggernaut that I am and in no time, Street will be within my reach. Hunter is just another casualty in my way to glory. You must understand that when a fate is destined, there's nothing that you can do to put a stop to it. Despite the many loopholes that are to put in my way, you're not going to be able to stop me from getting where I want you and once, we're in that fiery hell, I am going to put it to you with no remorse, no mercy, with no end. Hell is exactly what we agreed on and hell is what we're going to get. No escaping it....

Lou shuffles a little in his seated position before stopping and letting out a long, deep breath. A breath of calm. He sighs and scoots backwards to regain his position on the wall. 

Lou Nattik: I guess it's time to give a bit of input on Chris Hunter who's quite hard to speak of seeing as I could care less about him, honestly, but unfortunately, it's part of the job. Chris, there's not really much known about either of us to each other but I suggest that you live up to that little motto of yours and keep your mouth shut because there's no use. Save if for someone who actually cares about you or that strap around your waist. Save it for Max Danger's office where you can leave him a memo, thanking him for not risking your precious piece of gold. That'd just be the icing on the cake for me anyways because my focus will remain on that muffin-ass bastard until the deal is done. Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, Hunter. You could save face by wisely bowing out of this match that we've got coming up on Saturday which probably won't be an option for you. You don't seem like a guy who's going to be making any wise decisions any time soon but it's a thought. You could also do this the hard way in which I'd have to make an example of you by corrupting your stay here in the GFWA and probably even putting you out faster than I got myself in. I'd hate to have to do it but I assume that it's the classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's a pity...oh well, sucks be you. If you have a problem, I suggest that you take it up with that good old thinking genius that we know as Danger. Speaking of Max, I'd seriously suggest that you stay out of the way because you, yourself, could end up in the path of wrath. You see, I'm not afraid in the slightest of crossing the boss and if I see it necessary, you'll end up being another casualty. Call you boys off- this is one on one. Now...if you're down with that, then you're damn straight. Cut that damned camera off.....

Lou proceeds to rocking in his confined position as the camera slowly begins to.....