Intro practice items.  


1. For touch, parts of the body are “mapped” on the A. thalamus B. frontal lobe c. parietal lobe D. cerebellum

2. The vestibular system is involved with a. movement perception    b. pain thresholds c. olfaction d. Piaget's idea of assimilation

3. The Gestalt principle of _____ helps you to identify the members of a sports team on the playing field because they all wear the same color uniform. a. similarity b. nearness c. figure and ground   d. Ponzo

4. The ______ provides a clear picture of the brain, and is a(n) _______ technique    a. MRI ; invasive b. EEG; invasive c. MRI; noninvasive d. lesion; invasive

5. The ______ is involved with ________   a. cortex; heart rate b. medulla; higher mental functions c. limbic system; emotionality d. hypothalamus; memory

6. In the nature - nurture issue, nature represents the influence of a. upbringing      b. nutrition c. genetics d. drugs the mother took during pregnancy   e. more than one is correct

7. The _______ style is the best parenting style a. authoritarian b. permissive          b. authoritative c. nature-nurture

8. “Motherese” (“parentese”) refers to a. emotional attachments of children for caregivers b. a style of speaking with toddlers c. Erikson's principle of conflict   d. the development of emotional expressiveness in children

9. Whose is a theory of cognitive development?    A. Kohlberg’s    b. Piaget’s   c. Erikson’s    d. Freud’s

10. Vygotsky stressed the importance of a. emotional bonds between parents and children b. society, in the eight stages of development through the life span    c. binocular cues in depth perception d. tutors and “scaffolding”


--   end.   The answers are up to you.