I am not: fake
I hurt: too easily
I love: but its hard
I hate: and its because of fear
I fear: myself
I hope: for others
I crave: dreams
I regret: nothing
I care: too much
I always: get lost in the midst of my stupidity
I long: to write and inspire millions
I feel alone: when I breathe
I listen: to rain on my windowsill
I hide: from the past
I drive: in my dreams
I sing: naked
I write: all the time
I breathe: through time
I miss: all my chances 
I search: for love
I learn: everyday
I feel: the hurt
I say: the truth
I fail: when I am fake
I dream: always
I wonder: about the future
I want: to publish books at 16
I worry: about myself
I wish: it was easier
I fight: when necessary
I wait: for fate
I need: to be me
I have: myself
I am: finally where I want to be

Name: Stef
Destination: Unknown

But I'm ready.