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Vengeance: Austin or no Austin?
Date Posted: 8th July 2002

Many have reported on WWE next PPV, Vengeance promoting Stone Cold Steve Austin although he may no longer be with the WWE or at the show.

One instance is the WWE promotional poster which featured Stone Cold on it. However, this posters are all made before months before and thus, may not be accurate to say Austin is at Vengeance.

Reports by Shawn & Charolette who e-mailed me with this bit of information:

They had just seen the WWE aired an advertisment for WWE Vengeance and it was all about Stone Cold Steve Austin. Could this be a market plan to draw fans back to the WWE? Or just a fake promotional gig? We'll just have to wait and see.

*Note: If you remembered when Austin was knocked down by a car (but actually left for surgery)? It came around to SummerSlam which featured an Austin promo ad. However, the WW(F)E stated that although Austin is now the ad, he may not necessarily be at the PPV.



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