This page contains revealing sexy glamorous pictures of great Indian actress Sridevi. All the pictures have been either captured from movies or scanned from magazines or photos without violating any copyrights. No picture is digitally edited as our intention is to praise the beauty of the great actress and not to bring disgrace to her. If anyone finds any of the picture hosted in the site to be objectionable, please write to us.  You have our permission to download the pictures from the site but hosting the pictures from our site, editing/hiding/erasing our url address is prohibited.

Often, due to heavy trafffic in the site the site becomes inaccessible. When the hits touched nearly four lakhs in a very short time, geocities closed our site. We reconstructed this again. But incase this one also gets closed, we will start the site elsewhere, but we will never stop updating the site. If you don't get this site again, search for the key words "Sexy Sridevi" or "SDVGL".

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