Malachite.... Concentric light and dark bands.

Properties.... “stone of transformation,” draws out deep feelings of hurt and resentment, breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns of  behaviour, treats asthma, arthritis, fractures, swollen joints, and  enhances immune system.

Position....Wear on the left hand or place on the third eye.


     Magnetite... (lodestone).Dark and grainy (iron ore).

Properties…Aids telepathy, visualization, and balanced perspective. Can attract love, beneficial for blood and circulatory system, Useful for sports injuries, relieves aches and pains.

Position…Place on the back of the neck, the base of the  spine, or an aching joint.


     Moss Agate..... Branching markings, like moss.

Properties....Cleansing circulatory and elimination systems of body, eliminates depression caused by left and right brain imbalances, helps intellectual people access intuitive feelings, and creative people channel energy practically.

Position.....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


     Moonstone.....( milky, translucent).

Properties..... “Stone of new beginnings” connected to the moon and intuition, soothes and calms emotional labiality and overreactions Reflective, makes conscious the unconscious, aids intuition and empathy. Feminine stone associated with psychic abilities and cleansing, Aids digestive system Alleviates degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes, and fleshy organs Used for Premenstrual Syndrome, conception, pregnancy, and childbirth

Position....Wear on finger or place on the appropriate body part.


     Muscovite...( pink beryl ). Crystalline. pearl-like mica.

Properties....Strong angelic connections, stimulates heart chakra facilitates astral travel, disperses insecurity, controls blood sugar. regulates kidneys.

Position....carry or hold.


     Obsidian.... volcanic glass, shiny, opaque.

Properties....Protective, repels negativity, improves self control, aids in letting go of the past and in habit-breaking, earths base charka.   Retains balance during change.

Black obsidian, in particular strengthens prophecy, do not use for long periods.

Position....Carry or place as appropriate.


    Onyx.... Banded.

Properties....Strength-giving, beneficial in difficult or confusing periods, centres and aligns with higher power, mental tonic, aids fears and worries, good for teeth, bones, bone marrow, blood disorders and feet.

Position....Wear on left side of body.


     Opal….Fiery, shifting  colours.  

Properties,…Enhances cosmic consciousness, originality, and dynamic creativity .Fosters Love and passion, brings loyalty, faithfulness, encourages emotional stability. Treats infections and fevers, purifies  blood and kidneys, regulates insulin.

Position….Wear on little finger.  


     Peridot.... Clear crystal.

Properties....Cleanser of subtle and physical bodies and mind, Releases negative patterns and vibrations, promote clarity and well-being.  Opens and cleanses heart and solar plexus charkas, regulates cycles  of life. Used for heart, lungs, spleen, intestinal tract, ulcers; strengthens eyes, aids birth contractions.

Position....Wear at throat.


     Quartz…. Long, pointed  crystals, some transparent.

Properties....One of the most powerful healing stones, an energy amplifier, doubles auric field, storing, releasing, and regulating energy on physical and mental dimensions. cleans and enhances subtle bodies, a deep soul cleanser, stimulates immune system and soothes burns.

Position....Use anywhere, place on neck for thyroid, heart for thymus, solar plexus for energy, ears to balance and align.


      Red Calcite....Translucent and waxy.

Properties....increases energy, uplifts emotions, aids will power, opens heart chakra.

Position.... Hold or place on the appropriate point.


      Rhodonite.... Mottled, often flecked with black.

Properties....Stimulates, clears, activates heart chakra, balancing physical and mental energies, nurtures love, useful for trauma, aids confidence, balefully affects bone growth and hearing organs, treats emphysema, inflammation of joints, arthritis,

Position....Hold or place as appropriate.



Properties....A “stone of selfless love and compassion”, improves feelings of self-worth, integrates spiritual and material energies, teaches heart to assimilate painful feelings without shutting down, removes denial, an irritant filter, aids asthma and respiratory problems, purifies circulatory  system and kidneys, balances thyroid.

Position....Wear on the wrist.  


     Rose quartz..... Usually translucent but maybe transparent.

Properties....Attunes to energy of unconditional love and heals heart. Calms and reassures, bringing about deep inner healing, releases blockages from unexpressed emotions, opens heart chakra, soothes wounded heart and internalized pain. Helps those who have never received love to access heart. Aids physical heart and circulatory system. Said to increase fertility. Soothes sunburn and blistering.

Position.....Wear over the heart.


     Rutilated quartz..... Long thin “threads” in clears crystal.         

 Properties.....Gets to root of problems. Aids astral travel, absorbs   mercury poisoning. Heightens energetic impulse of quartz. Focuses non-physical atunement.

Position....Use anywhere.


      Ruby..... Bright, transparent gemstone or cloudy crystal.

Properties....Energizes and balances but over stimulate, bringing up anger or negative energy for transmutation. A leadership stone; stimulates the heart chakra  shields against psychic attack, promotes positive dreams, aids retaining wealth and passion. Detoxifies body  and blood; treats fevers, restricted blood flow, aids survival issue.

Position....Wear over heart or on finger or ankle.



Properties….Associated with strength and protection, aids self control. May bring lasting  happiness in marriage, lifts depression. Heals lungs and bones, Brown  sardonyx is  particularly important in grounding energy.



     Selenite... Translucent with fine ribbing.

Properties....Brings clarity of mind, accesses angelic consciousness, reaches other lives, assists judgement and insight, showing inner  workings, aligns spinal column, promotes flexibility.



     Snowflake obsidian....Volcanic glass, shiny, opaque.

Properties....A "stone of purity," balances body, mind and spirit, Recognizes and releases wrong thinking and ingrained patterns, brings about dispassion, inner centering, treats veins, skeleton.

Position....Hold or place on the appropriate point.



      Sodalite... Mottled dark and light blue-white.

Properties....Encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth, intuitive perception, Calms mind allowing new information to be received. brings about emotional balance, balances metabolism,  Benefits cleansing organs, boosts immune system.

Position.....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


     Sugilite.... Opaque, lightly banded, or translucent.

Properties....A “ love stone,” represents perfection of spiritual love, opens charkas to flow of love, brings spiritual awareness, positive thoughts, protects soul from shocks and disappointments. Aids forgiveness promotes understanding of effect of mind on body, place on third eye to alleviate despair, clears headaches and discomforts.

Position....As appropriate, especially over the heart.


     Tigers eye.... Banded.

Properties....Protective stone, shows correct use of power, aids accomplishing goals, recognizing inner sources, anchors change into physical body, enhances psychic abilities.

Position....Wear on the right arm.


    Topaz… transparent,  pointed crystals.

Properties....Directs energy, soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, and raises energy, Promotes truth and forgiveness, sheds light on path, taps into inner resources, brings joy and  generosity, manifestation of good health, cleans aura.

Position....Wear on the ring finger.


    Turquoise.... Opaque, often veined.

Properties....Healing and protective, has elevating effect, promoting spiritual attunement. Purifying effect dispels negative energy. Unites energies of earth and sky, provides healing for spirit. Enhances physical and psychic immune systems. Heals whole body, especially eyes.



      Unakite..... Mottled. green/pink.

Properties....A “ stone of vision” balances emotions with spirituality. Facilitates rebirthing, integrates information from the past that creates blockages, gently release conditions inhibiting growth. Reaches root cause of disease, treats reproductive system, creates weight gain, aids healthy pregnancy.

Position....Hold or place on the appropriate place.


     Variscite...Opaque, veined.

Properties..." Stone of encouragement, " useful when dealing with illness and invalids, giving hope and courage, heals nervous system, treats abdominal distention, constricted blood flow, elasticity of veins.

Position....Hold or place on the appropriate place.