Brother Alfred & Gene's Archives:

March  2002

A Dozen Oysters Please !!!

The natural kind of course.  Have you ever been fishing for these?  I can say that I have not, but you have to dive to the bottom of the ocean to find them.  Imagine trying to locate these oysters in the vast and deep oceans of the world.  Let me tell you about a particular one.  Deep in the depth, there it was all alone in the darkness of the ocean floor until someone brave enough and determined enough decided to find it.  It was brought to the surface and opened! 
Please turn in your Bible to Matthew 13:45.  Jesus is the one seeking.  He leaves his heavenly kingdom and dives into the ocean of sin and destitute.  Jesus is the merchant that paid the high price that no else could.  We were bought not with silver or gold but with the precious blood of Jesus. 
I was once in this oyster shell locked in its jaws in outer darkness, counted as dead, rotting away in the depths of sin and shame, then one day I was rescued and brought to the surface.  The jaws that had me locked were opened and out came a precious pearl.  A precious pearl that's what you are.  Out of all the precious stones or jewels all are man made, only the pearl is made inside a living organism, a natural process that takes time. 
You are a treasure of incomparable worth.  Look around you, there is a pearl in everyone you meet.  Perhaps this is the day when one of them will be brought to the surface and opened!

Brother Alfred Cuellar

April  2002


In our lifetime man has been to the moon but not to Mars.  Perhaps in our time man will achieve this.  Man has always been reaching towards the heavens.  Mars is the next quest for space exploration.  This Mars mentality has been around for a long time.  Please turn in your Bible to Acts 17:22.  The apostle Paul stood on Mars' hill and preached Jesus and the resurrection to these Martians, if I may use this term.  These were men who were always seeking and searching for something new.  There is nothing wrong with this as long as it is based on truth.  I must admit, I was once like these Martians.  I had eyes that did not see, I had ears and I heard not, I perceived and yet I did not understand; but thanks be to God, I was brought to another hill, a hill called Calvary.  Only there is where you are able to see.  Only there are you able to hear and understand.  There Jesus was preached to me.  There his blood was shed for me.  There He died to set me free.  Examine yourself and see where you are.  Are you standing on Mars' hill or are you standing on Calvary's hill?

Brother Alfred Cuellar

May  2002


I know what you're thinking.  It's April and it's tax time again.  We pay taxes on things that we buy, taxes on our income and even taxes when you die !  Wow, how about that.  Turn to Matthew 17:24-27.  Here our Lord Jesus shows us how he paid His tax.  He told Peter to go fishing and there in the mouth of the first fish that he caught he would find the tax money.  I've caught many fish in my lifetime.  But Jesus, He is the master of them all.  Not only did He send Peter to get the tax money but He also provided for the next meal.  Now that's the Jesus I know.  He is Jehovah Jireh, my Provider.
Therefore, this tax season, don't sweat it, do what you have to do.  Jesus gives you the ability and the strength each day.  Turn to Matthew 6:25-33.
Our God is faithful, all it takes from you is a little faith.  Won't you trust Him today, watch and pray as He meets your needs.
Your brother in Christ,

Alfred Cuellar
June  2002

  There was a blood drive where I work the other day. To my surprise I completely forgot about it.  I know how important it is for patients that need surgery.  Without the donated blood major surgery could not be performed. You can have the best trained surgeon and all the modern medical equipment, without the blood it would all be worthless.  This is why without the precious blood of Jesus shed on Calvary's cross there is no forgiveness of sin. 
Turn to 1John 1:7.  The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.  We need to have a daily walk with Him.  Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.  We need to abide in Him to survive in this life and to inherit eternal life.  There is no other way.  If you need major surgery you need donated blood, if you want to enter heaven you need the precious blood of Jesus Christ!

Abide in Him,
Brother Cuellar
