Allright, it is pretty easy to join, there are just a couple of rules:

1. you must be a female owner of a Dragonball/Z/GT website

2. there musnt be any stolen graphics, or things copied from other websites contained on your site.

Ok, there are also some things you may wanna know, about joining:

1. Members of GirlZ Palace (if you dont know what it is, just ignore this) get their website links before non-members of this club.

2.  you are allowed to join if there is hentai on your website, just please notify that there is hentai on your website, when signing up

3. leaving your email is important, because if there is ever a case, with a webmaster/mistress that is un-cooperative, we may want you just to email them, or notify them, that they should get rid of the stuff they copied/stole from the GirlZ Unite member. You dont have to, but it would be nice.

That is all I can think of now, so if you still wanna join, sign up below.

check this box if there is any hentai on your website:

are you a member of GirlZ Palace, and if so, what if your member name there?

You should be notified within a week, about being accepted into Girlz Unite.
Also, please have a link to GirlZ Unite within a week.