Lists of books/plays I've read in the past and that have shaped me as a person, some more than others...
Favorite Books/Plays
The Reader--Schlink
The Member of the Wedding--McCullers

The Great Gatsby--Fitzgerald
*Of Mice and Men--Steinbeck
*The Scarlet Letter--Hawthorne
*The Crucible--Miller
*Death of a Salesman--Miller
The Bluest Eye--Morrison
Anything by John Irving
White Noise--Don Delillo
The Secret History--Tartt
To Kill a Mockingbird
Catcher in the Rye--Salinger
Franny and Zooey--Salinger
A Separate Peace--Knowles
Anything by Raymond Carver
An American Tragedy---Dreiser
This Boy's Life--Wolfe
*Lord of the Flies--Golding
A Confederacy of Dunces--Toole
*Cat on a Hot Tin Roof--Williams (play)
A Midsummer Night's Dream--Shakespeare
The Sound and the Fury--Faulkner
Light in August--Faulkner
As I Lay Dying--Faulker
Generation x--Coupland
**Great Expectations--Dickens
**The Odyssey--Homer
The Importance of Being Earnest--Wilde
Ethan Frome--Wharton
*Les Miserables--Hugo
The Moviegoer--Percy
The Last Gentleman--Percy
Our Town--Wilder
The Road Less Travelled--Peck
The Temple of my Familiar--Walker
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings--Angelou
King Lear--Shakespeare
Titus Andronicus--Shakespeare
**Romeo and Juliet--Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice--Shakespeare
Birds of America--Lorrie Moore
A Feather on the Breath of God--Nunez
Anything by David Sedaris
Letters from a Nut-"Ted. L. Nancy"
Good Books/Plays
Fahrenheit 451--Bradbury
The Old Man and the Sea--Hemingway
A Moveable Feast-Hemingway
Animal Farm--Orwell
The Beautiful and Damned--Fitzgerald
The Bell Jar--Plath
Brave New World--Huxley
The Brothers Karamazov--Dostoevsky
The Illiad--Homer
Jane Eyre--Bronte
The Sun Also Rises--Hemingway
Little Women--Alcott
*Oedipus Rex--Sophocles
Madame Bovary--Flaubert
The Sheltering Sky--Bowles
Waiting for Godot--Beckett
Taming of the Shrew--Shakespeare
Just Desserts: The Real Martha Stewart--???
The Lovely Bones--Sebold
Saint Maybe--Anne Tyler
Left Behind--??
Tribulation Force--???
The Hours--Cunningham
Ted and Sylvia--Morton
I didn't like these or was was just plain disappointed by these books/plays
Huckleberry Finn--Twain
The Magic Mountain---Mann
Rabbit, Run--Updike
Tropic  of Cancer--Henry Miller
Antony and Cleopatra--Shakespeare
Canterbury Tales--Chaucer
Julius Caesar--Shakespeare
Moby Dick--Melville
On the Road--Kerouac
anything by Camus depresses me
The Tempest--Shakespeare
Richard III--Shakespeare
* means that they are fun to teach (whoo hoo!)