January 1, 2004
17 weeks pregnant

Tiny Bubbles:

How cool is it that I felt the baby move today? On January 1?  Like a little reminder that this year will be very different.  It did/does (as I keep feeling it as I type) feel like tiny bubbles rising and another feeling I can't quite describe.  When I put Chris's hand on my lower belly to see if he could feel anything at all, he said he felt something, but "maybe I just needed to poot."  Nice, huh? :)  That's why I love him.
The Barb Department:
Mom hates it when I write about her in here, but I have to quote her....I've figured out when she doesn't like a name I'm thinking about for the baby.  When I tell her the name, she'll pause, then say, "Well, it's your baby."
Due Date and Heartbeat:
I was wrong about my due date: I had always done it on the computer and come up with June 10.  I finally asked the doctor (or the nurse, rather, since the nurses seem to know what's going on more than the doctors) what date they had written down for the due date. They said June 11.  That's my nephew Ryan's birthday.  But....my sister has had three kids and they were all early.
School will end around May 20, so that gives me time to sit around and hide in the house in my (sure to be) bloated state until junior heads out. (Get it, heads out?) Yeah.
Oh, and while we were at the doctor, we heard the heartbeat again (this was a couple of days ago) so now I feel better since the Bebe Sounds Monitor thing didn't hear a damn thing! :) Hope emailed me about the thing and said it never worked for her. :( Pooh. Sorry Donna!
The heartbeat was at 140ish. Last time it was around 160ish.
Oh, and I've gained ten pounds since getting pregnant. Doc said that was right on target. "Right where I should be." (I finally caved and asked about the weight thing...)
Ultrasound News
Guess what. We get our ultrasound done on January 27.  I'm so looking forward to it! We are gonna find out what sex it is, for sure. (As long as the baby makes it easy for us to detect the little dinger or the absence of a dinger.)
17 Weeks Preg Photo
Coming in the next week. Last night, while we waited for the cop to show up, (What a sentence!) Cindy took my side
belly shot. Hopefully you can see a difference, because I sure can!
Hope you had a rockin' New Year's Eve. As for the Culvers, we spent it at home, calling the cops on our Bammer neighbors, who parked so our friends couldn't leave.  Picture to come. These people are UNBELIEVABLE!
last next
Old Navy Online offers us---THE MATERNITY THONG!
Fabulous. What I've always wanted.
Right.....it's hard enough wearing the damn thing when you're not pregnant...
"A maternity thong? What the hell?"
(Me as a rolypoly baby.)