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Singles Chart Update
Title Where #
Walk This Way UK -
Walk This Way Ire -
I Think We're Alone Now UK -
I Think We're Alone Now Ire -

Albums Chart Update
Title Where #
The Sound Of Girls Aloud UK -
The Sound Of Girls Aloud UK -
- - -
- - -
Welcome to Girls Aloud Discography.
Last Updated: 29th June 2007

This is most likely the #1 source to find releases from Girls Aloud from all around the world. We include all different types of releases from CD's to magazines. We also include international charts from the girls' releases.

If you would like to contribute to us, please contact us via e-mail:



*June 29th - Added single information
*June 29th - Added album information
*June 29th - Added lyrics
*June 29th - Added 'walk this way' information
*June 29th - Added 'i think we're alone now' information


Girls Aloud Discography always welcomes contributions from visitors, as that is what keeps the site updated. If you have a contribution, please send it to

© Girls Aloud Discography 2007. All information on this website is official otherwise stated. If you e-mail me, stating what you would like to use, I will gladly let you use the information. Also, I do not mind if on your sites you link to my site for your discography section, but please refrain from directly linking to my pages individually.