

Crazy College Pictures!

Rat World

My Grad Par-tay

My Poetry Page

Cool Links

that's me

Hey gang! I don't use this site anymore as a means of communication. However, I once spent a lot of time on it, and don't mind it wagging out here in cyberspace, using Yahoo's bandwidth and attracting the occasional late-night Googler who typed in "hot college pics" and came up with this site (I checked. It happens). If you have stumbled across it and wish to contact me, you may do so. I still check that. And thanks for yer time!

There have been
people here since the creation of this webpage, 7-19-01

Well hey, at least the counter is finally working. But let me guess, there's a pop up in the upper right-hand corner, right? THANKS, GEOCITIES! Used to be, one could get rid of that annoying ad on geocities by going here, but they must have some new mandatory-annoyance policy.