Photos Page 3

Below are photos of friends, family, bands that I know, places I've been etc. All of them have been taken by me, except those that are credited otherwise. Enjoy :)

Friends, Part 3

You can't see through her glass eyes/Covered in scars/Broken in lies [source=Rachel]

Sean & Alice {again!}[source=forest hill train station photobooth]

Lizzy, kifinti hi? Isn't she beautiful?[source=unkown]

Brian, a.k.a Purple, always there to help with my web queries and provide me with essential webspace :) [source=Brian]

Chris, my Canadian friend...Talks about everything from the Doors & Jim Morrison to Pink Floyd ♥ [source=Chris]

Maeve was just always there. Thank you.

Olivia, my pet alien... :)

Isn't she pretty?. x

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