Satie - People


.....Jules Satie.....grandfather
..........children - Alfred, Adrien, Marguerite
...............firemen's leader
..........holder of the Legion d'Honneur.....Temp 2

.....Eulalie Satie.....grandmother
..........d. 1878

.....Alfred Satie.....father
..........d. Dec 23 1903
..........pseudonym - Silvio
...............French ship broker composer
...................."leaned toward the music-hall song" publisher

.....Jane Leslie Anton.....mother
..........born in London of Scottish parents..... Temp 3
..........d. 1872, Paris
..........Alfred & Jane - whirlwind courtship in 1865

.....Eugenie Satie-Barnetche.....stepmother
..........Alfred & Eugenie - married Jan 21 1879
...............pupil of the famous organist Felix Guilmant..... Myers 16
...............studied under Alexandre Guilmant and Mathias .....Temp 6
...............piano teacher..... Volta SS 219
...............mediocre Romantic composer..... TCFM 129
...............composed exclusively for the piano
...............composer of pallid salon pieces

.....Adrian Satie.....uncle
.........."Sea-Bird" for ships and horses..... Temp 5
..........whose passion was ships and horses..... Myers 15
..........Erik obviously inherited the eccentric side of his nature.....Myers 15

.....Erik Satie
..........b. 1866

..........b. Oct 21 1869.....Temp 4
..........nicknames by E.S. - Tiby, Pouillot..... Volta SS 68
..........unpublished text - "Notebook, 1914-1925"..... Volta SS 234
..........chemical engineer.....Orl 122 engineer specializing in the chemistry of perfumes.....Volta SS 68

.....Olga Satie / Mme. Olga Satie-Lafosse.....sister
..........b. 1867.....Temp 4
..........b. 1868/06/17.....Orl SR
..........[at time of E.S.'s funeral] lived in Buenos Aires..... Harding 241

.....Diane Satie.....sister
..........1871 - 1872


.....Suzanne Valadon / Marie Clementine Valadon
..........1865 (Sep 23) - 1938
..........nicknamed "Biqui" by S. was, no doubt, through Utrillo that S. met Valadon.....Volta SS 43
..........1893 - Jan 14 to Jun 20
...............stormy love affair..... TCFM 131
...............brief but passionate relationship..... Volta SS 220
.........."Portrait of Erik Satie" (1892-3) oil on canvas