Ultra Mugen
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Ever want to create your own 2D fighting game? Well with mugen you can create your own style of fighting games and there are no limits to what you can do. So I have proposed a challange to everyone, the person that can create/modify the best char will win a prize!! You will be jugged on the char's moves,graphics,special moves.
I know the most popular char's are Dragonball Z chars
anyway E-mail yor chars in at:


Also you can E-mail other people chars and win a prize but you must not take credit for there work.

Details of prizes
The mystery prize will be posted to you so you must send your full address and post code where you are etc.
There are 10 prizes 5 more then last time.

so get sending and get creating!

Ultra perfection
The Race To create the ultra perfect char has begun.
My Favorite Links:
Yahoo! Games
Yahoo! Photos
Yahoo! Greetings
E-mail me your charecters now!!
Name: ultra perfection
Email: ultra_perfect_cell1"hotmail.com
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