Creative and original title for a writer to use, isn't it? LOL

Yes, I'm a writer. I work for a small newspaper in Pennsylvania. In my spare time I like to read. My favorite authors are James Patterson and Judy Blume. I like all kinds of music but my current favorites are Train, No Doubt and Sheryl Crow. Is that enough personal information? No? LOL

OK. I'm 37 years old. I've never been married, but I'm hopeful. *S* I'm hopelessly and madly in love with -- don't cringe -- a lawyer. No lawyer jokes, please. His name is Joe and he's wonderful. He has 9-year-old daughter who I absolutely adore. So, is that enough personal information? Well, you're not getting anymore right now. LOL

I promise these pages will grow (and get more interesting LOL) when I have time. For now, though, would you consider answering the question on my mini poll? Thanks! Also, feel free to sign my guestbook and my guestmap. I like to see where my visitors are coming from. *S*

Thanks for visiting!

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