American bodybuilding

Once the ester group is removed, it has done its job, and the parent drug acts in its normal manner. american bodybuilding Buy real legal steroids new pro stack. Besides the simple chemical hydrolysis described above, the esters can be removed by enzymes in the blood called esterases, though water still is required for the reaction. The great majority of hydrolysis occurs with the help of these enzymes or by non-specific reactions with proteins. These reaction cannot take place while the esterified steroid is dissolved in fat. american bodybuilding Natural steroids. Thus, while the esterified steroids are dissolved in fat, they are protected from hydrolyis, and thus serve as a depot for the drug, giving extended duration of action. What is the significance of the partition coefficient?Differences in partition coefficient seem to account almost fully for the differences between various esters of anabolic steroids, as shown by Chaudry and James. 1,2 To understand their work, though, it is necessary first to consider the methods they used to obtain their data on the anabolic and androgenic effects of the drugs tested. american bodybuilding How to make steroids. These scientists are not using those terms in the manner which many bodybuilding authors do. The anabolic effect is measured by increase in weight of the levator ani muscle in the rat, and the androgenic effect is measured by increase in weight of the seminal vesicles and prostate. These measurements are neither perfectly indicative of muscle-building value to bodybuilders nor to any particular undesired side effect except perhaps prostate enlargement. Despite the limitations of the method, this was the assay method available. A number of esters of nandrolone were studied, using various single doses, but only the results from a single dose of 1 mg are given here. The results are as follows:Parent Drug Ester # of Carbons Anabolic Effect Anabolic / Androgenic Ratio PRC** (P) x10-3Nandroloneformate 1 1176 13:1 15* acetate 2 1594 11:1 25* propionate 3 1880 10:1 41* butyrate 4 1488 7:1 69 valerate 5 2526 9:1 115* hexanoate 6 3731 9:1 192 heptanoate 7 6559 13:1 269 octanoate 8 5557 15:1 611 nonanoate 9 5080 19:1 455 decanoate 10 7735 25:1 802 undecanoate 11 6576 32:1 1460*extrapolated from P of the butyrate ester** partition ratio coefficientThe anabolic effect was found to be predictable according to the equation:log (anabolic effect) = 7. 33 log P - 0. 636 log P2 -17. 8The accuracy of predictions was quite high (r = 0. 970) and the F value, indicating the statistical significance of the equation, was very high at 61. Thus, the observed anabolic effect of these ester prodrugs of nandrolone was found to be highly correlated with partition coefficient. Higher partition coefficients were also strongly correlated with higher anabolic/androgenic ratio. It was also found that the times of first and second peaks of drug level after injection were predictable from P with good accuracy and high significance. How can the greatly higher anabolic effects of the long chain esters be explained?While the authors do not make note of it in either article cited, there is a simple explanation for the observed result. Long chain esters of anabolic steroids are not many more times potent than short chain, if indeed they are any more potent at all. Yet in the above study, the undecanoate ester was found to give 3. 5 times the effect of the propionate ester. Why?There is a difference in pharmacokinetics (the time course of the drug in the body). Although the same 1 mg dose is being given in each case, it is either present in the serum of the animal at a relatively high concentration for a relatively short time for the shorter chain esters, or at lower concentration for a longer time for the longer chain esters. This difference can be quite large: the undecanoate ester can be predicted to have a half-life 36 times longer than that of the propionate ester. 3With most drugs, response is not proportional to the dose, but to the log of the dose. Assuming that the dose is well into the effective range, taking ? the dose does not result in only ? the result, but in ? the result. Viewed in this light, if the nandrolone propionate had been given in 36 divided doses over the same length of time that nandrolone undecanoate was in the system, in a manner to match its pharmacokinetics, one would expect 1/6 the result from each individual dose before accounting for molecular weight differences. The cumulative response would be 36 times 1/6, or six times the observed result from the single large dose. If we then correct for the lower molecular weight of the propionate ester, which delivers more nandrolone per mg. than does the undecanoate ester, we would predict 3. 3 times more response than from the single large dose.

American bodybuilding

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