"You want all of us to help?  Mom, are you sure?" Kris asked her mom, "Okay, we'll see you tomorrow.  Love you, bye." and with that she hung up the phone.
    "What's up?" the others asked her.
    "Well, you knew that my parents are moving back to Oklahoma City by my sisters, and, well, they're having a yard sale before they go and they want me to go through all my old stuff that's there and take what I want.  Tehy want all of you too come too.  We're supposed to get on a plane tomorrow morning so I'll call the airport right now," Kris said before she left to call the airport.  The girls thought it was great cause Kris' parents always treated them like they were their children!  They all loved each other like family, and why not, the girls had been friends since 8th grade, well Kris and Dee, then they all became a group their freshman year!
    "Well, Dawn, looks like you're headed back for a while, and ya just got here too," Vanessa joked.
    "Yeah, but we'll be in Texas, so it'll be away from that whole small-town in OK, thing." Dawn said.
    "Hey, don't the guys have a houston show tomorrow night?" Dee asked looking at the huge tour poster on their wall.
    "Yep, let's highlite them, too," Shelly said.
    "We should suprise them," Vanessa suggested.
    "We should, but we can't.  We'd have to call them to get backstage passes to see them," Shelly reasoned.
    "Yeah, but we can try to get tickets to the show tomorrow night, without telling them, and see if they notice," Dee said.
    "Good luck getting front-row seats where they'd notice you," Dawn said.
    "I'll pay any price," Dee said as she got on the "TicketMaster" website.  She got into a chat area, (Note-I don't know if there is a chat place on that site, but, for the sake of the story, there is) and asked if anyone had soem front-row tickets to the Houston show.  (Note- she's not getting scalped tickets, though)  The webmaster broke in and told her they had 5 extra front-row tix, but they were the most expensive ones.(Another note- I don't think this would really happen, but just go along with it please)  Dee said she didn't care and she'd even pay for them to be shipped over-night to Kris' parent's house.  She called them and okayed it before she finalized the deal, and, of course, they agreed and understood!
    "Great news!  I just got us 5 front-row tix to tomorrow's concert!" she exclaimed to her friends.
    "Yea!!!" they all exclaimed as their phones all rang at the same time.  All were busy talking to their boyfriends but Dawn.  Kris suggested to Nick that Kev call their number and talk to Dawn.  She really wanted to get them hooked up, she knew they'd be perfect for each other!  Kevin agreed and called Dawn.  They said their introductions and all and there was a brief silence.  Dawn was so excited.  She stared at the poster whch the other girls had written- "Kris luvz Nick," "Vanessa luvz AJ," "Dee luvz Brian," and "Shelly luvz Howie," with hearts and all drawn around their boys.  They had playfully drawn, "Dawn luvz Kev," by Kevin's pic.  She thought he was so hot!  Esp. in that pic! ( It was the one where they're in white looking at the camera like they either don't know what it is, or they want to beat it up, you know, in the CD jacket, the last pic.)  Kevin broke the silence by asking about her.  Dawn kinda laughed, but told him her bio, "I was born on Oct. 2, 1973."
    "Woah, I was born on Oct. 3, 1972," he replied.  (Yet another note- this ch.'s full of em-there is a question as to the year Kev was born,  some say 1971, some say 1972, oh, well, let's just say 72-K?)
    "Cool!" Dawn said, excited that she was almost exactly a year younger than him.  "Um, I was raised mostly by my mom cause my dad died of colon cancer."
    "No way, my dad died of the same thing!  I'm so sorry," Kevin symathized.
    "Thankz, I'm sorry for you too.  It was extremely hard on me," Dawn said.
    "Me too."  (Another note-don't you love these things!  The real person Dawn is based on-these are real, true facts.  She was born on Oct 2, but in 81, I had to make her close to his age, and, sadly, her dad did die of colon cancer.  And Kev is her fave BSB.  I hope you don't mind these fact, Stephy!  I love ya girl!!).  They both continued talking and found out they were both the babies of their families (true) and had the same likes and dislikes, just about.  They would've talked a lot longer, but the boys had to get ready for their show.  No one mentioned the girls little "trip."  As soon as they all got off the phone, Dawn was bombarded with questions and proceeded to tell the whole conversation.
    "We've gotta get ya'll hooked up!" Kris exclaimed. (It's that Texan accent girl!! Haha!)  Dawn just grinned, she couldn't wait!
  The girls were on the plane and in the air by 9:00 the next morning.  Dee and Vanessa had no trouble at all getting up cause they couldn't wait to see their men!  Finals were finally over and they had about a week off before graduation. (Don't know how that works for real either, but for this, that's how it works)  They couldn't wait to see the boy's faces!
  They arrived at Kris' parent's house that was about 20 min. out of Houston, at 12:30.  They greeted her parents and everyone went out to eat lunch.  When they got back, they spent about 30 min. going through Kris' stuff, then, all excited to get to the concert, they all decided to go shopping for new outfits for that night.  All bought black cloth pants, but Vanessa's were stretch-leather, she always had to be different!  She even had a her leather cropped jacket over her yellow tube-top, with black combat boots.  Dee wore a blue tube-top with her black pants and black medium platforms.  Kris had on the same, but with a green tube-top and Dawn had on the same, but with a dark blue tube-top.  Shelly had on the same, but a purple tube-top and higher platforms. All their pants were sorta hip-huggers and the tops showed of a portion of thier middriffs.  Dee's tattoo of a heart on her hip barely showed above her pants and Shelly's butterfly on her front right shoulder showed perfectly.  Vanessa and Shelly's belly-button rings showed perfectly also.  They decided to go all out with the "fanatic" thing, that's why they bought their guys favorite color of top.  They also picke dup "BSB" stickers to put their guys names and "BSB" on their faces.  They also got buttons of their guys and made signs.  They wanted to fit in with the crowd, so it would be harder for the boys to notice them, that's why they did it.  They couldn't wait to surprise the boys!  Only, they didn't know Angel and David had been following them the whole time!
    "I'm sorry, ma'am, you can't come in with out a ticket," woman taking tickets at the front gate told Angel.
    "But, please!  Don't you have extra tickets?" Angel begged.
    "No, sorry, ma'am."
    "Oh, please!  This is my favorite group, I've gotta get in.  It's my boyfriend and my anniversary," she tried, pointing to David who was standing off from the line.
    "I'm sorry.  You'll have to try for another show cause even tomorrow night and all the Dallas shows are sold out.  Now, can you please go, you're holding up the line."
    "Fine," Angel stormed off towards David.
    "No luck, huh?" he said.
    "Even the story that you were my boyfriend and it was our anniversary didn't work," she pouted.
    "Sorry," he said.  David was having second thoughts about this.  He didn't want Angel to hurt Vanessa, but when he said that to her, she'd gripe at him and tell him to just follow her, she promised to get Vanessa back in his arms.
    "Let's go!  We will be back tomorrow, early!  And I will get in!" Angel promised as they got in his black Corvette Sport and sped off.
  "So, should we scream?" Dawn asked.
  "Well, maybe to fit in.  Besides, I'm gonna scream when I see Bri cause I've got all this excitement about seeing him finally after, like forever!  Plus, I'm sorta getting caught up in all this fan "BSB Hype", but we really should be more excited cause we haven't seen them in like forever!" Dee said.  She was practically jumping up and down in anticipation of seeing Brian after all this time.  The fan's hype was really getting to all of them.  They were all as giddy as the fans adn found themselves swept up into it all.
  Soon, the Star Wars themse started (Note- I haven't been to a concert this year, but I've read reviews) and all the fans started screaming.  The girls looked at each other and started screaming too.  Soon they looked at each other again and started laughing.  They knew they were all a tad too old to be screaming for a "boyband", but the excitement of seeing their men after so long was getting to them.  Plus, it was an incredible show, and the boys had just barely started "surfing".  Tehy watched their men sail across the arena and they were so happy for them.  The guys didn't even see them, even after they landed and went to one edge of the stage to just stand and stare, all serious.  The second spot they ran too was right in front of the girls.  The girls grabbed their signs that said, "B-Rok my world," "Bonedaddy, let me be your puppy love," I'll be your Sweet(s) D," and Dawns just had a huge train with "BSB Rule" written on it.  Kris was gonna put,"Be mine just in the
Nick of time," but she figured- "just in", "Justi"- it was too weird, so, she put, "Nicky be my angel!" with Nicky in big words cause she knew that would definately get his attention.  As the guys came to their point, the girls held up their signs and started screaming loudly!