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Interviewer-Site creator Jamie
Interviewie-Brandon Gilberstadt
Click to enter the Brandon Gilberstadt section of The Eddie McDowd Webring
Jamie:Do you have any nicknames?
Brandon:Brando and butt Paul
Jamie:Are you single?
Brandon:Right now I am not single,sorry.
Jamie:Do you have any pets?
Brandon:A dog named Bandit,a frog,and a cat named mouzer
Jamie:What's you ideal girl?
Brandon:My ideal girl is a girl were you can enjoy eachothers company and you can just talk to them for hours and never get bored.
Jamie:Where's your ideal date spot?
Brandon:Someplace where there isnt alot of people just so other people dont bug you or somewhere you both enjoy going to.
Jamie: Have you ever had a crush on a girl you acted with?
Brandon:No,I havent had a crush on a girl I've acted with.
Band:Limp Bizkit but recently i've been getting into this band called Yellow Card
Song:Cigarette by Yellow Card
Movie: Mighty Ducks I
TV Show:The Simpsons
Singer:I'm not really into the whole pop thing so I dunno.I mean I don't really enjoy Christina Agueliera's music, or however you spell her name but, she definetely has a better voice then anyone else.
Actor:Mike Myers
Actress:Reese Witherspoon
Hobbies:Playing ice hockey
Cartoon:The Simpsons,it's the best show ever.
Food:Pepperoni Pizza
Sport:Ice hockey of course
Sports Star:Wayne Gretzky
Jamie:What made you want to go into acting?

Brandon:I've always liked begin the center of attention, so acting helped me achieve that all the time! haha
Jamie:Do you have any acting roles coming up?
Brandon:I might, but as of right now I can't say, sorry.
Jamie:Have you ever been n a magizine,and If so which one?
Brandon:I've been in a whole bunch of magazines,I don't even know them all,sorry.
Jamie:What do you plan on doing in the future?
Brandon:I plan on going to college, playing Hockey and then going to the N.H.L.
Jamie: Do alot of people stop you on the street and ask for autographs?
Brandon:Sometimes there are alot of people who stop me for autographs.
Jamie:Is it ever hard being an actor and having people you don't know stop you on the street?
Brandon:It's sometimes hard when I'm out with my friends and people I don't know ask me for one, but usually I enjoy it.
Jamie:What's your favorite thing to do on set when your not acting?
Brandon:My favorite thing to do is just chill with the crew, because they're all the coolest people.
Jamie:Do you feel odd sometimes filming scenes when your talking to a dog?
Brandon:At the beginning of the show I did, but then I just got use to it.
Jamie:Do you have a favorite Eddie McDowd episode?
Brandon:My favorite episode hasn't even aired and I don't know if it will or not but It's when I play roller hockey, because I got to play hockey all day.
Jamie:Do you have an official website or fanclub?
Brandon:Yes I do.I don't know the exact name of it though.
Jamie:Fact or Fiction? Did you ever go out with Ashley Olsen?
Brandon:Did I go out with Ashley Olson? Where did you get that? hahahahhaha No, I didn't, I wish I did though, she's really
good looking, but I've never met her so that would be hard to do.

Jamie:Do you have anything you would like to say to the Gilberstadt World and Eddie McDowd Online viewers?
Brandon:Yes, I would like to say thank you to all of you for being a part of my world, hahaha and putting all this hard work into the site.I would like to give a special shout out to my biggest fan Jamie thanks for everything you've done for me and Eddie McDowd, and thanks for making this great interview.
                               much love,

We'll Brandon Thanks so much for doing the interview, and your quite welcome.I enjoy sharing my knowledge, and pictures, of you and the show with all the fans out there.I would like to thank  all the fans for making this site what it is.
                   Special Thanks To:
Brandon Gilberstadt
Site creator, Jamie
and Site production team, Gilberstadt World crew:

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