This is all you's definitely not as good as being there. Thanks to all the fabulous ladies who made it out from all over to the party and special thanks to Sue and Kelsey for all their hard work organizing. Laura- Thanks for the shirts and for making it out in the rain. Misha & Pat (& Glen) for coming from Toronto, the South Bay Girls: Marita, Nat, Kristi, Megan, Kimme, Jen, Nicole & Hila,  the Norcal Michele/Michelle contingent, Cheryl from NYC, Toni, Karin and Lisa from SD. Oh and Maik, thanks for crashing. It was the best tea party ever...those that were there don't need no stinkin' photos...they have the images burned into their retinas forever.
Friday night: back row l-r: Misha, Kelsey, Michele, Me
Middle Row l-r: Kimme, Laura, Megan, Michelle, Jen, Nicole
Front Row: l-r- Kristi, Nat
Seated at back- l-r: Me, Marita, Toni, Karin, Michele, Misha, Michelle, Pat
Front l-r: Sue, Kristi, Megan, Kelsey, Jen, Nicole, Lisa, Kimme
Missing: Cheryl, Hila