
Our Wedding Day Story; November 21, 1999

         I am sure all of you's that are reading this page is all curious to how our wedding day was... So we thought it would be a good idea write about it so that all of you's that were unable to make it to our wedding will enjoy that same day as us.
     Lets see... Hmmm... Well the morning of November 21, 1999 we had to attend to a family meeting at the Hotel Patalya... but unfortunately my husband to be had to go to the barbers to have his hari cut and his shave and I went to his sister's (Sule's) home until we were ready to leave. While I was there, Sule knew I was very nervous about this day and  Sule & Serdar (Sule's husband) both sis everything possible to relax me and be with me. When I arrived my sister-in-law's home Serdar and their son Yunus were at the door greeting me and welcoming me into their home. There we sat and talked and had coffee. Sule offered me something to eat... but I couldn't hahaha... Nervous stomach! That's when Sule and Serdar and Yunus brought me gifts that they got for me on my wedding day. Sule gave me a beautiful necklace and earrings... silver tringles and famous Turkish stone (Turquoise). Serdar's father gave me another necklace from the Ottoman Empire dated 1756... a very beautiful piece of jewelery. On the necklace was coins of silver dated back to the Ottoman Empire. I was so honoured to of recieved such precious gifts from my family and their. (Thank you Sule & Serdar for your kind generousity)... As the hour went by we talked in the kitchen and smoke for acouple more hours mostly about anything we could talk about... hahahaha... (Trying to keep my mind busy and make me less nervous... but no luck, I was already nervous!!! LOL)... I can remember my nephew now... Yunus coming into the kitchen with his white cotton shirt and his red tie! He looked so cute... what a handsome boy he is :))) Especially when he was carrying his rabbit (Never leaves home without it)  :))) Serdar & Sule were ready to go to the hotel to meet the family... so we were on our way. Now the fun starts!!! Please, no laughing... I was so nervous... hahahaha... LOL :)))
     On the way to Hotel Patalya, Serdar & Sule did their best to keep talking to me, reassuring me that everything was going to be ok. Sule was so close to me that day. I don't think I would of made it if it wasn't for her. She cared for me very much that day. Then we arrived at the hotel and by the time I walked up the stairs to the entrance of the hotel, I thought my knees were going to give out on me... hahahaha... and Sule had taken my arm and lead me and kept saying... "Celeste, everything will be ok"... and I took a deep breath and walked into the restaurant where my family were all there to greet me with open arms and warm hearts. I met so many of the family. Family that I was able to meet the last couple times in the hotel. I was so happy and so grateful that I was blessed with such a caring and warm hearted family. Sule then lead me into the buffet room, where she told me the different food types. And believe me, there was so many different foods to pick from. I only picked very little to eat! hahahah... I couldn't eat. My stomach had so many butterfliesand it seemed all I could do was smoke... hahahaha LOL.
Then the fun started. The photographer started taking pictures... and I mean pictures!!!. I think he must of been taking them for about one hour. Cuz everytime I turned around I had a camera in my face... hahahaha... LOL. and yes... after a bit I really began to get nervous and I had to ask Sule to ask him to stop for a little bit. I thought I was going to cry. It was so overwhelming. After an hour break in the hotel suite with close friends in Turkey, I was able to relax more and of course Caner was there with me. So it was alot easier to handle... hahahaha... (I was like a scared child! LOL)... I was so surprised when I went to the beauty salon in the hotel and I had 5 men doing my hair. That's right ladies, 5 men!!! hahahaha. Anytime you wamt yourhair done? Go to Turkey! hahaha LOL :))) So after my hair was finished, I went back to our room to be with our friends and family. At one time there was so many people inside our room, there was no walking space... hahahaha LOL. I am so grateful for the support that all our friends gave us that day. This means so much to Cane and I. Thank you Sule, Serdar, Nesli, Okan, Muru, Burak, Figen, Hakan, Birhan and IsIl.
     Once we were finished putting on our wedding clothes, we went to Caner's parents house to meet more family and have wedding sweets. When we got there, we were meeted at the door by his mother and aunts... and many family members aplauding us as we entered the living room, where we sat in front of the whole family. We ate our wedding sweets, and after awhile of brief conversation with the family, Caner presented me with a diamond ring, necklace and bracelet and matching earrings. During the time at his parents house many pictures were taken (soon to be added to wedding album). After a short time, it was time to go to the ATA Tower where the wedding ceremony took place... and believe me Caner and I were very nervous by this time! hahahaha LOL. Once we got off the elevator and made it through hords of people waiting for us, Caner was basically hurrying me into the room where the Groom and Bride waited until all our guests were situated, which took almost 45 mins. hahahaah LOL.
     Once our guests all arrived that is when we were ready and we walked through the hall. Our guests standing and applauding as we walk into the main area of the Tower where the wedding took place. As we walked in, my breath was taken away and my heart start pounding... hahahaha... LOL. I have never seen so many people in one room. People were everywhere! 500 of them!!!  I found myself squeezing Caner's hand alittle more tighter... hahahaha... LOL. (Hand still sore babe? haha). As you can see from our wedding pictures about the ceremony, we all sat around the table where the marriage officer performed our marriage. Beside her was Caner's cousin who was my translater, because the marriage was done in Turkish. When the officer asked me if I take Caner to be my husband, I answered in Turkish "Evet" meaning "Yes" and our guests loved this very much and started to applaud more. But I love it more when I step on Caner's foot after saying "Evet". Caner was so surprised when I did this, because he didn't think I would of did it right at the time a bride had to do it (traditional thing). The stepping on the groom's foot indicates the bride has the control of the marriage and groom has the marriage license. I liked thid very much! hahaha LOL. Actually it was our frien Burak who was saying across the table after I said "Evet"... "Cellie, step on his foot... step on his foot! hahahaha LOL. And I did. And the cameras started flashing and the guests applauding even more. Caner had a look of surprise on his face and could only smile from ear to ear. Oh by the way babe? Did I hurt your foot! hahahaha LOL :)(:
     Once the marriage was done, Caner and I walked through the line of people again and we had to waltz in the middle of the floor, and from there we stood on a spoy in the hall where we welcomed all of our guests. Took almost 2 hours to greet everyone. We shook their hands and kissed them, and thanked them for their generous gifts. As you can see Caner has some things pinned on his suit. This is gold, given us by out guests. Along with money and jewelery. This is so much different from custom marriages in Canada and the United States, because gifts to the bride and groom basically consist of electric kettles, blankets, dishes, crystal etc. I think I liked Turkish traditions better... hahahaha LOL :))) We had a lot of pictures taken during the time of our greeting our guests. Then once we were finished greeting our guests, family pictures were taken, and that took some time, as you can see the family is huge. Lets see... Oh yes... Once the pictures were done, it was time ro leave for our wedding reception which was held at a beautiful restaurant. Many of our friends and family were there, as you can see from our pictures. We ate and drank and we danced. And I tried to learn the traditional way of dancing... hahahaha LOL. Actually, didn't do too bad. I seemed to pick up the movements well... not all because the women were moving their hips in a way I never seen before LOL. And my hips just didn't want to move that day! hahahaha LOL. Ohhh but let me tell you about my husband! He shocked me so much that night, surprised me with his dancing. All I could do was stand there and watch him... hahahaha LOL. I was so impressed!!! WOW!!! hahaha  Everytime I tihnk about this, brings me smile to my face :))))) Go Babe Go!! hahahah LOL.
     After hours of drinking and eating, it was time for Caner and I to leave. So we tried to leave fast... haha LOL. his friends Burak and Okan and Hakan were right behind us, trying to catch us. Because they owed Caner something for a long time and now it was there chance to get him back LOL. The male friends of the groom will pound on his back. And I mean pound good! hahaha LOL. And the women laughing, and all I said was... "Please, don't hurt my husband" hahahaha LOL.
     This is where I stop writing, as I won't continue what happened in our room... hahahahaha LOL. I hope that you all enjoyed reading about our wedding day and night and we would love to hear your comments. Don't forget to sign our guestbook and check out some of the other places on our web-page.

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