Latest Ghost Town Trip
May and June 2002 were great months for ghost town exploring in Nevada. Amy and I explored several towns and mines. Here are a few of our pictures...
This was a SILVER mill. Dark place but no ghost!
Belmont-Highbridge Mill This building was built into the side of the mountain. Very cool inside.
There are two of these in excellent condition in Belmont
Some unusual graves
Belmont Cemetery
This church is not locked and inside you will find a cross, pews and a pulpit with an open Bible
Old Belmont Chimney
Part is wooden and part is brick
This Catholic Church was built in Belmont then moved to Manhattan.
Amy found sea shells in this area.
Belmont House
The town had 27 saloons but no church even though the name means "candle mass."
Not sure what this building was but it was located on or near the main street of Candelaria..
Candelaria was founded in 1876.