Note sull'uso di HTML --------------------- (0.1) basic links: LINKTEXT (0.2) tooltip: using the title attribute like in: (1) in a public directory if you don't specificate a file in the URL the browser will look for index.html; if it's not found then it will list the directory; I have used this feature in my websites root (currently hosted at (2) The document is divided in doctype declaration, head and body A basic document: (3) Informations to include in the header: LANGUAGE: CONTENT TYPE AND CHARACTER ENCODING: (4) To introduce a "&" in the text you must write & as & itself indicates a reference to a character e.g. å = a or " = "; anyway this char (&) is not very used... (5) Colors... there is a coding with # followed by 6 hexadecimal chars (2 per each of R G B), but you can call by name the following: Black, Green, Silver, Lime, Gray, Olive, White, Yellow, Maroon, Navy, Red, Blue, Purple, Teal, Fuchsia, Aqua (6) Doctype If you're not using frames use Transitional DTD If you're using frames use Frameset DTD If you're strictly following the rules of HTML 4 then use Strict DTD: (7) The title of the page is in ... in the head that MUST NOT contain any other thing, including comments (8) The title of an object e.g. a link is set using the: title="TITOLO" and often is shown from the browser as tooltip (9) Includere come informazione l'autore del documento: nell'header: (10) Collegarsi ad uno stylesheet: (11) Indicare un ancora: e.g.

(12) Instestazioni automatiche


più importante fino a:
meno importante (13) Enfasi ... Enfasi semplice (di solito italico) ... Enfasi forte (di solito grassetto) (14) Apici e pedici ... apice ... pedice (15) Liste unordered list normalmente di tipo disc (cerchio riempito), può essere cambiato l'attributo type con square (quadrato senza riempimento) o cirle (cerchio senza riempimento) usare
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