Andy's Kite Buggying Page.
Me and Lauren on the beach. Me and my eldest daughter, Lauren, riding in my prototype buggy at around 10mph.

The kite used in the picture is a simple nasa wing of around 1.8sq.m in area. This size is suitable for wind speeds of 15-20mph or higher, with experience, but the nasa design can be very dangerous in learner hands.

Power delivery is very much either on or off and if the wind is a little too strong for the given area of nasa wing, the pilot ! may find him/herself launched to an altitude of several tens of feet with the only form of control available being whether to hang on or let go ! (don't go there !)

This kite was only rigged for 2 lines, at the time of the photo, mainly for simplicity. Nasa wings do not respond well to 4 lines but at least power can be stopped in an emergency. Controlling the power, as is usual with a 4 line rig, is not really possible with a nasa wing as they tend to just crumple and de-power very quickly.

Kite Buggying.
Just a few words to explain what its all about.
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