Smile for the Camera!

A collection of choice pictures of the Fab Four. Click a thumbnail to view. Hover the mouse over a thumbnail for a description. Enjoy!

John Pictures

Opening sequence of 'Help!' Making a silly face Binocular hands In the tub Leaping in the air Looking over his shoulder

Paul Pictures

Paul bein' cute Playing piano...sideways? One of their final shows at the Cavern Club, circa 1963

George Pictures

Cowboy George Relaxing on the set of AHDN Looking gorgeous Leaning against a brick wall Shaving in the mirror Tugging his collar

Ringo Pictures

Wearing the Kaili Ring Smoking a cigarette Looking sullen at the drums

Group Pictures

Impersonating their fans By a lamp post Headshots Thumbs up Bein' exceptionally cute In the garden Pretend ticker-tape parade during a magazine shoot With their guitars Beatle pyramid Posed on a chair Snowball fight! On set with their 'personal stylists' Spitting like a fountain Standing in the snow Holding roses Black-and-white mad day out Standing with a statue Piano in the Alps Before an eyeball Dapper English gentlemen We can fly! Pillow fight! 'Hey Mistah, can we have our ball back?' Lavender pose Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band In the flowers Young band. Please excuse the crease in the picture Looking out at the crowd In a flashy, glitzy pose Brushing their shaggy hair Standing by a candelabra Behind a curtain and a vase Playing 'If I Fell' on the set of AHDN

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