Finally, after 30+ years...

We are all quite familiar by now with the infamous "Paul-Is-Dead" rumors of the late-1960's. Well, over thirty years have passed, and guess what? I've discovered something NEW!
If, by some odd chance, you have been living beneath a rock for the past however-long-it's-been, and have no idea what it is I am rambling about, I shall endeavour to explain:

In 1969, a rumor was spread that Paul McCartney--bassist of the Beatles--had died years ago, and was replaced by a duplicate. Supposedly, the Beatles were giving their fans "clues" about the switcheroo in their songs and album covers. Some of the coolest are:

1. TRY THIS! Get a small mirror, and hold it up to your Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album. (This is really spooky, and it works!) Hold the mirror so that it cuts the words "Lonely Hearts" on the drum in half longways; Now, what do you see?

If you did it right, you should be able to see the words "1 ONE 1 X HE ^ DIE" on the drum. EEK!
Supposedly, "1 ONE 1" was adding up the three remaining Beatles, with Paul being X-ed out, and of course "HE DIE" with an arrow pointing directly at Paul standing over the drum.

2. GET YOUR WHITE ALBUM! You hear funny things now and again? What's that babbling at the end of "I'm So Tired"? Play it in reverse, and it becomes "Paul, he's a dead man, miss him, miss him, MISS him!"

3. What's the big deal with "Number Nine"? Play that phrase from "Revolution 9" backwards, and you'll hear the cryptic message, "Turn me on, dead man!"

There are MANY more clues besides these in the great "Paul-Is-Dead" hoax (and YES, believe me--it was a hoax, he's not really dead!!), far too many for me to list here.
Well, I suppose I could, but there are many other sites out there that have already listed them for me, so I shan't bother.

What I WILL do, however, is share with you (yes, YOU!) a little bit of wisdom that I have come upon in just the past few minutes.
Brace yourself...


Now, I know that this is a brand-new clue, because I have never heard anybody mention it (probably because it doesn't have much to do with the "Paul-Is-Dead" hoax anyway).
What I have discovered isn't really cryptic, so much as it is funny as all heck. It's not about Paul "dying"--it's about him doing something else.

Check this out. I was fiddling around this morning when I decided to--fer a larf--play some Beatles snippets backwards and see if I could come up with something new.
Look at what I found.

This is John's signature line from the Beatles song "I Am The Walrus."
<bgsound src="//">

Now, what happens when you play that phrase backwards? Listen!
<bgsound src="//">

Can you hear it? Can you hear John saying:

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