Virtual Book
In this site I want to present shortly some information about the Country of Georgiyaniya.
The Country of Georgiyaniya is a household located in the N-E of Romania. It has an area of 1,100 meters square. Spacially it has a rectangular shape. The relief is flat. The climate is temperate, being always crossed over by air streams. The vegetation is composed by agricultural plants and different trees.
There live four settlers and some domestic animals.
The economic value of this country was estimated in 2003 to a kilo of gold.
The total patrimonium is private ownership.
There are two administrators which account the two territorial entities of the country. The country is divided into two territorial entities: Western-Georgiyan Territory (TWG) and Eastern-Georgiyan Territory (TRM).
There is an urbanistic plan where it is included the development of a miniatural town named GEORGEBORG. Inside Georgeborg can be found the administrative building of the household. WOLFHAUS is the administrative centre of the Country of the Georgiyaniya.
The Virtual Book of Georgiyaniya was created and stored in the main library from Wolfhaus. This book statistically offers a basic presentation of the main features of the country.
This webpage is intended to be the internet presentation Fundamental-Book of this entity.
The  presented data regarding Georgiyaniya were configured by George Georgiyan-geographer.

The Georgiyan Flag
My Site Links:
Geographer George Georgiyan
Country of  Georgiyaniya Map
Georgiyaniya Statistic Data
Universal Encyclopaedic Data
My Info:
Name: GEORGIYANIYA  - Administrative Office