<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/georginaweeks/ericclaptontearsinheaven.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Song  ~Tears In Heaven~ Eric Clapton
This memorial website is made in loving memory of Georgina Elizabeth Rosina Weeks who sadly left this earth to become an Angel on April 10th 2002 aged 14 weeks, leaving an empty void that can never be filled. Her sad but proud parents are Malcolm & Nicki Weeks and Georgina left behind her doting brother Bradley aged 23 months...
Please enter site through the gates of Heaven..

Why did you have to leave me babe, why did you have to die?
Was I not meant to keep you here, why did you have to fly?
I want you back here with us, things can never be the same,
How can we carry on in life and play life's awful game?
You were our little princess, we loved you very much.
We miss your smile, your laughs, your tears, your hugs and loving touch.
I'll never see you sit or crawl or walk unsteadily,
How can my life just carry on when you're not here with me?
We had so many plans for you, so much we could have done,
You never got to play around with Bradley and have fun.
I'll never tie your hair in bows or see you off to school,
My darling little princess, why is this life so cruel?
I need to get some answers, my questions seem ignored,
I feel so lost and lonely here, oh help me please, my Lord!
Take good care of my Angel now you've taken her from me,
Wrap her tightly in your arms and kiss her tenderly.
Please tell her that we miss her so, and will forever more,
And save a place for us one day, when we'll be whole once more.

                           Copyright Nicki Weeks 2002
                      written for Georgina by Dawn Glenton

Georgina Elizabeth Rosina Weeks. Born at 37 weeks on 31st December 2001 weighing 4lb 11oz and 16 inches long.
Grief is not a lack of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love..
Wesite built by Dawn Glenton on 11th April 2002 in loving memory of Georgina.