It’s Monday morning, about 6:30 a.m.

In a quiet suburb just west of Chicago, most people are pulling out of their driveway, getting ready for the daily commute to their jobs in the city.

Not Samantha.


Three months ago, she said “goodbye” to a high-paying, prestigious position with a Fortune 100 company to spend more time with her kids, ages 2 and 4.


Now Samantha wakes up whenever she wants to. Her “commute” is just down the hall to her home office, where she puts in a couple hours in her home-based business.

Then she takes the afternoon off to take her kids to the park and just have fun.

In the evening she puts a few more hours into her home-based business. These days Samantha earns as much as she did when she was away from her family for 11 hours a day, but she calls the shots and decides when—and if—she’ll work.

And Samantha’s not the only one.

In Detroit, William no longer works assembling cars. He found a little business that he could run from his kitchen table that pays him twice what he made as a factory worker.


Instead of working 5 days a week, he now plays golf every Wednesday and Friday. During the rest of the week, he puts in about 12-15 hours into his new home-based business.


William and Samantha aren’t unique. All across North America, millions of people are finding out how easy it is to start up their own profitable home-based business.

And you can, too.

Why not follow their lead and get free information to start with. Only when you have all the information will you ever be asked to take the next step in building your online business and future.

We can show you how to:

  • Start part-time while keeping your current job
  • Save several thousand USD per year in taxes
  • Retire in 3-5 years with a residual and stable monthly income
  • Team up with a strong company that has proven stability and a fantastic track record
  • Capitalize on the constant growth of the Internet and the future of business.
  • Use TEAM strategies to achieve large growth for your own business.
  • Start out with your very own Personal Support Team -- With our business, you are never on your own
  • Follow a proven system which thousands of other doctors, lawyers, teachers, parents, etc. are using to find success
  • You are never required to purchase overpriced products (such as vitamins, lotions, etc.)

    Unlike traditional businesses, this business requires:

    • NO large up-front capital investment
    • NO products or merchandise to buy
    • NO employees
    • NO people to call
    • NO previous business experience
    • NO tapes, books or flyers to purchase
    • NO pushing people into something they don't want or need
    • NO 9 to 5 hours (you set your own schedule)
    • NO costly monthly overhead, period.

Here are a few comments some of our members are saying about our business...

I joined in February 2002. I was looking for a program that I could work from home and still be a wife, mother to my family. To my delight, it has done just that. I followed the online training and the suggestions from my Upline Coaches and began working my business right away. I have progressed up the leadership income ladder and I am now making a fantastic part-time income. If I can do this...anyone can do this.

"This is the first opportunity that has ever worked for me, and I have just about tried them all. I am now able to spend time with my wife and children and have the money to enjoy it."

"Having my husband home full time after 15 years and being able to quit my job to stay home with him and my children is truly a dream come true. And, I must admit, I really enjoy the money too :)"

To receive free information about our business, simply fill out the information form below.

Once you complete the form, and to protect you from being "spammed" into our Club, you will need to check your e-mail for our confirmation. Simply click the link in that e-mail to receive your free identification number. Your Personal Support Team will welcome you to the Club in 24 to 48 hours.

As a bonus, your free membership entitles you to discounts and automatic rebates at hundreds of online stores, ranging from,,,, and to name a few.

There is absolutley no obligation and your information will never be sold or traded with anyone. We respect your privacy and have a very solid spam policy to protect our membership.

You may remove yourself from the system at any time easily, effectively and immediately by simply clicking the link provided to you in your "welcome' e-mail.

By submitting a request for a FREE DHS Club Membership, I agree to accept email from the DHS Club for both their consumer and business opportunities.

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