Nicolas Anelka has been prosecuted by UEFA
after illegal talks with Real Madrid. He was said
to have been close to signing a £22m deal with
Lazio but has apparently already made a deal
with Real Madrid. Arsenal chairman David Dein
said he refused to sell Anelka to Real Madrid
because of the rude manner in which Arsenal have
been treated. Find out more by clicking this button.....
...............................WEBSITE REVIEW.....................................
This site is very straightforward and simple, which is good
if you are visiting for a reason e.g. to find out match scores
or statistics. However this is not very good if you are visiting
the site expecting to see pictures or interactive sections
because there are none! The website is poorly laid out
and could do with a few pictures and a bit of colour. Over
all, Liverpool's site was a bit of a disappointment, so I would
give it 3/5.
Click here to visit the Liverpool site
.....................WEBSITE REVIEW.......................

This site is basically a mailing list application form!
As soon as you get to the start page it asks you for
an email address so that you will receive the latest
information on Celtic as it happens via email. This
service is quite good but the emails are very brief
especially if you want a detailed look at what is going
on. There is no actual website to view except the start
page, so I give it 2/5.
Click here to visit the Celtic site

The continuing war between Arsenal and Man Utd..... who will win? Find out in the Charity Shield this summer on Sky Sports.
After a record season, Chelsea have a new football strip on sale! This means that the 'old' kit is currently on sale at most sports shops for £15 and under. The new kit is pictured on the Chelsea website 'news' section. The website is very interesting and uses a variety of graphics and pictures, but has not been updated for almost a month. Click the button on the left to go to Chelsea's main website, or the button
on the right to go to the news section to find out about transfers and to see the
new kit.