The Rivan Codex

"Infinite is the power of the word, for the word is the breath and soul of the mind, and as I have taught thee it is in the mind that all power lies. If thy mind have power, put that power into the word, and that which thou dost desire shall come to pass. But if thy mind be untutored or if it should be that thou falter or fear or doubt, the greatest words of power shall avail thee not - for with thy mind and with the word must be joined the will. And thus has it ever been." (The Sermon of Aldur)

And it came to pass that the two of them, Leigh and David Eddings, joined their will and spake one word unto their world - BE.

In this exciting book we are witnesses how the Eddings created the background for their Belgariad and Malloreon. Writing down the history of several races and the myths of several religions, they created a world, indeed.
That's what is in that book:

Unfortunately, the text doesn't include the Mrin Codex. David Eddings told his publisher Lester del Rey that he'd be willing to write the Mrin Codex if he'd agree to publish it on a scroll, but he declined.

Dear Mister del Rey, we agree that it looks just a little bit difficult at first glance, but wouldn't you say (you wrote Science Fiction in your time, after all!) that in our era of technology it would be possible?!

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Hans-Jürgen Fischer, last modified Fri Jul 21 2000