Hold Selections.

The GWA has broken these manuevers into three categories: (1) basic attack manuevers, (2) advanced attack manuevers, and (3) finishing holds. The basic attack manuevers are valued 1-25 points,with two holds having the same value. The advanced attack manuevers are valued 26-50 points with only one hold earning a certain value. The finishing holds are more unique, This is where it can be a little tricky. There will be one 60, one 59 all the way down to one 56. Then there will be two 55’s, two 54’s, two 53’s down to two 51’s. Your finishing move will still have its own custom name that you make up. “This is the final jolt to your opponent before he gets counted out, so make it a good one or the tables can be turned.” It should be noted that NO HOLD will be valued the SAME TWO CYCLES in a row. In other words, a hold worth 23 points one cycle cannot be worth 23 the following cycle. Below is the current list of holds from which you can choose from: