Genealogy Jason's Surname Jump Page

This website is a labor of my love. I've been conducting family research for the past three years...and have acquired huge amounts of invaluable information from numerous sources. I cannot take credit (or blame) for all of the information found on the following pages, but for a good portion of it. I have invested a great deal of time sifting through thousands of pages of federal census images from 1790 through 1930. I am not charging a fee for any of the information contained within these pages, nor am I interested in taking credit for any research you may have conducted...instead I am embracing the concept of a free and mutual sharing of family information.
Some of the most valuable genealogical information can be found within your own family photo albums or buried in your parent's attic.

If you find my website helpful, please contact me at I would enjoy hearing from you!

Click on the links below.
Caskey:  Descendants of John Caskey and Elzabeth Hubbard.
Hubbard:  Descendants of John Hubbard and Catharine Unknown
Burd:  Descendants of William Jasper Burd and Mary Ann Grinstead
Grinstead:  Descendants of William Grinstead and Nancy Brooks
Johnson:  Descendants of Pattern Johnson and Vinnie Caskey
Nicolai:  Descendants of Alfredo Nicolai and Delfina Tomasini
Holloway: Coming Soon
Cross:  Descendants of William Cross and Charlotte Compton
Foote: Coming Soon
Spell: Coming Soon
White:  Descendants of Park White and Rhoda Steadman
Osgood: Coming Soon
Chenoweth:  Descendant of William Chenoweth and Martha Jones

Last updated: 04 August 2003