Merth's Builders Guide


One of my major peeves with the mud is that everyone wears the same eq. As we journey towards our new mud, there is a simple way to correct this. Builders, make equipment and items that can't be used by everyone. Make eq class and race specific. A Rodian smuggler should be wearing different eq than a Rodian jedi. And similarly a Gotal smuggler should be wearing different eq than a Rodian smuggler etc... All races come from different planets and galaxies. They have different customs, so lets act like it.


Mobile edit is an invaluable portion of the mud building experience. Mobiles are what makes the mud worth playing or just plain suck. One way to help the mud balance and overall via-ability of the mobs is to make them uniform. One level 5mob should basically be the same as any other level 5mob. How you can increase a mobs power and the differences come in is with armor, mobprogs, and its other capabilities.

Rules For Mobs:

Object Documentation
This is the NEW object documentation. These guidelines were last updated 0n 10-15-97. This documentation represents 100 level system. This documentation should be considered law. Straying from these guidelines will not be tolerated. These guidelines have been created to give the mud a sense of balance. Straying from the guidelines only makes the mud suck. If you repeatedly stray from this documentation action will be taken. No excuses.

OBJECTS (Not including weapons)

Objects help give the mud a sense of direction. Players seek to find the specific objects that will make their characters the best they can possibly be. We as builders, should provide them with a broad variety of objects, each one unique in its own special way. But we must also have a sense of direction in order to keep the mud balanced, and the players content. The following guidelines are additional building specifications that we must follow, but it leaves room for the builder to create a broad variety of things within the mud. Also note, that the value of said objects will also vary from shop to shop.
This is the format that the document will follow:
- between * and * is the subject of discussion
- between [ and ] is the objects value guidelines
- note... value guidelines are for minimum value of object. Objects value
cannot be a negative number, nor fall below the minimum. You may, however,
raise the value above the minimum's total.
- +/- means plus or minus.
- c stands for credits.
- (+) stands for positive increment, (-) stands for negative increment.

!ATTRIBUTES! (Sections beginning with ! follow Attribute rules)
- A total of +2 attributes must be +30 Level only
- A total of +3 attributes must be +50 Level only
- A total of +4 attributes must be +80 Level only
- No total of +5 attributes, (NO EXCEPTIONS)
!*(int,wis,con,cha,dex,and str)*

![500 c per (+) / -50 c per (-)]

!*Hitroll & Damroll*

![1000 c per (+) / -100 c per (-)]
!- A total of +2 combined must be +25 Level only
!- A total of +3 combined must be +50 Level only
!- A total of +4 combined must be +75 Level only
!- No total of +5 combined


![20 c per (+) / -5 c per (-)]
!- increments occur at +/- 5

!*All SAVING_x*

![20 c per (-) / -5 c per (+)]
!- increments occur at +/- 20

{The following are non-attribute rules that apply to most objects, but not all}
[-25 c per omission]


[20 c per (-) / -5 c per (+)]
- increments occur at +/- 5

*Spell Effects (Scrolls, Potions, Wands, and Staffs)*

[100 c per level of spell / 500 c per spell used]
-No more than 10 charges

*Armor (Includes ac in an Armors values.)*

[500 c per (+) / -50 c per (-)]
- increments of +/- 1
- no object may add ac higher than level of mob wearing it


[100 c for 1-5 lbs / 250 c for 1-20 lbs / 600 c for 1-100 lbs / 1500 c for more]


[100 c per hour of light]
- if infinite (-1), much cost at least 50k


[500 c]

*Wearable locations*

[50 c per location on body]

*Objects weight*

[1-5 lbs -100 c / 6-10 lbs -200 c / 11-20 lbs -300 c / 20-up lbs -400 c]

*Objects availability*

[1-10 max on mud 10,000 c / 11-100 max on mud 3,000]
[101-500 max on mud 1,500 c / 501-up max on mud 1,000]
{The following do NOT have Availability or Weight figured into price.}

*Liquid Container*

[5 c per drink unit / 20 c per max. drink unit allowed]


{The following are excluded from above rules.}

*Objects with !TAKE enabled*
*Objects weighing over 1000 lbs.*

*Max Damage Hits*

Nearly every item should be breakable. Limit yourself to no more than 1 unbreakable item per zone. The average durability of an item is 5. As of 7/23/97 there isn't a hit-to-cost ratio. That may change in the future. Use common sense. Do not make an item with a durability higher than 10. An item that has great stats should be balanced by being easily broken, and likewise an item whose stats basically suck should be more durable.
Rules for Weapons:
Rules For Armor:

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