The Fantastical Exploits of GeminiWench
Like very other webpage in existance, this one is under construction. So visit regularly for updates, new pages, etc. At least come back to see my weekly columns and such.
This many people have visited here before you,
But YOU were the coolest of them all!
Hey, wanna see an ugly baby?
Click the ugly baby to sign my guestbook
Jesus loves you, even if you're deaf.
Click the lady to view my guestbook.
All the cool kids are signing my guestbook.
Don't you wanna be cool, too

I would never ever, ever spam you. I LOVE you!
I SUCK LOTS! This crappy site will be down until further notice.... but when its back it will rock your socks more than a raccoon dressed up as a ninja in black pajamas stalking around your backyard throwing rocks at your whiny dog.